HR Excellence in Science

Biological Specimens in Electron Microscopes 2025



Biology Centre of CAS – Institute of Parasitology and Faculty of Science – Institute of Physics and Biophysics, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

This practical course is focused on the advanced methods of biological specimen preparation for electron microscopy. The main goal is to make participants familiar with the theoretical background and the latest practical developments in this field. The programme includes state of the art fixation, including cryo-methods, cutting of ultrathin sections from embedded or frozen samples, methods of negative staining and immunolabeling, specimen preparation for transmission and scanning electron microscopy and methods of specimen preparation for 3D electron microscopy (single particle analysis, electron tomography, array tomography and serial block-face). The results will be evaluated using electron microscopes. The course is limited to 15 participants. It is intended for Master and PhD students, young researchers, technicians, and new EM users. This course is supported by the program for large research infrastructures of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within the project “National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImaging)“.

Organizers & Speakers

Marie Vancová

Marie Vancová

Since 2021, the head of the LEM. Electron microsocpy of biological specimens, Sample preparation, Cryo sample preparation, Sectioning, Cryo sectioning, Immunolocalization,

Jana Nebesářová

Jana Nebesářová

The former head of LEM. Electron microscopy, Specimen preparation, Sectioning, Biological Imaging

Vladislav Krzyžánek

Vladislav Krzyžánek

President of EMS, Electron Microscopy, Biomedical Imaging, STEM imaging, Quantitative imaging

Jiří Týč

Jiří Týč

Volume-EM specialist, SBF-SEM, Arry tomography, Confocal microscopy, Bioimaging

Zdeno Gardian

Zdeno Gardian

SPA specialist, TEM, SPA, Image processing, Structural biology

Tomáš Bílý

Tomáš Bílý

TEM-tomography specialist, Image processing 3D visualization

František Kitzberger

František Kitzberger

EM-Image processing/segmentation specialist, Volume SEM, Image processing, segmentation, analysis



23 - 27 June 2025, České Budějovice

13:00 Welcome Address Marie Vancová
13:10 Principles of Transmission Electron Microscopy Tomáš Bílý
14:00 Overview of TEM Sample Preparation Methods Jana Nebesářová
14:45 Coffee break  
15:05 How to visualize macromolecules in TEM Zdeno Gardian
16:00 Room temperature sectioning Jana Nebesářová
8:30 Cryo Methods in Sample Preparation Marie Vancová
9:15 Principles of Scanning Electron Microscopy Vladislav Krzyzanek
10:00 Coffee break  
10:20 Immunogold Labeling Marie Vancová
11:15 Specimen Preparation for SEM Jana Nebesářová
12:00 Lunch  
13:00 Practicals  
8:30 Electron Tomography Tomáš Bílý
9:30 Volume SEM techniques (SBF-SEM, Array Tomography) Jiří Týč
10:20 Coffee Break  
10:40 Introduction to Image Processing František Kitzberger
13:10 Cellular ultrastructure and interpretation of images Marie Vancová
12:10 Lunch  
13:00 Practicals  
8:30 Practicals  
12:00 Lunch  
13:00 Practicals  
8:30 Practicals  
12:00 Lunch  
13:00 Round table discussion  


Registration Fees:

CSMS member: 6000 CZK
CSMS non-member: 7000 CZK
Industry: 10000 CZK
The course fee includes admission, the course materials, meals and coffee breaks.

For registration click here

Contact: Martina Tesařová (



Venue and accomodation

Venue: Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Biology Centre CAS, České Budějovice.

Branišovská 31, 370 05, České Budějovice, Czech Republic

(See map below)

How to get to the venue

By public transport:

From the train station of the bus station, go the bus stop located under the Mercury shopping centre and take bus No. 3 in direction Máj – Antonína Barcala and get off at the bus stop Jihočeská Univerzita. Then cross the street to the university campus and from go to the building of the laboratory.

By car:

In case you plan to get here by the car, go to the address: Branisovska 31, 370 05, České Budejovice. You can park your car on the parking lot at the Biology Centre. (ring at the gate and tell that you participate on this course if asked). Other parking possibility is at the recomended accommodation site.


You can arrange your accommodation either in the Penzion U Šípku (contact person: Marie Hloušková, +420 604 375 441,, or in the Penzion Dvořák (+420 721 810 410, Both of the pensions are located within 15 minutes of walk from the venue. For closer information see the map.

© 2025 Biological Specimens in Electron Microscopes


Biologické centrum AV ČR, v.v.i.
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Datová schránka: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (ústředna)
+420 387 775 051 (sekretariát)
+420 778 468 552 (pro média)


Biologické centrum Google mapa

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