Celkem nalezeno: 180 záznamů |
Zaoral M., Sláma K. (1970) Peptides with juvenile hormone activity. Science
170: 92-93. |
Němec V., Sláma K., Hrubešová H. (1969) Effect of hormones on nonspecific esterase activity in adult Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
66: 87-92. |
Ratuský J., Sláma K., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 6. Juvenile hormone effects of some alkyl-ethers derived from aliphatic beta-hydroxy acids. J. Stored Prod. Res.
5: 111-117. |
Sláma K. (1969) Plants as a source of materials with insect hormone activity. Ent. exp. appl.
12: 721-728. |
Sláma K., Romaňuk M., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 2. Juvenile hormone activity of some derivatives of farnesenic acid. Biol. Bull.
136: 91-95. |
Velglová H., Černý V., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1969) On steroids CXXVI. Several compounds with antisclerotization effect on Pyrrhocoris apterus L. larvae: structural and activity correlations. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.
34: 3354-3376. |
Lábler L., Sláma K., Šorm F. (1968) On steroids CXV. Toxic effect of some androstane derivatives on Pyrrhocoris apterus L. larvae. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.
33: 2226-2237. |
Masner P., Sláma K., Landa V. (1968) Natural and synthetíc materials with insect hormone activity. 4. Specific female sterility effects produced by a juvenile hormone analogue. J. Embryol. exp. Morph.
20: 25-31. |
Masner P., Sláma K., Landa V. (1968) Sexually spread insect sterility induced by the analogues of juvenile hormone. Nature
219: 395-396. |
Sláma K. (1968) Hormonal control of developmental and metabolic cycles in insects. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.
9: 492-493. |
Sláma K., Suchý M., Šorm F. (1968) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 3. Juvenile hormone activity of derivatives of p-(1,5-dimethyl-hexyl)benzoic acid. Biol. Bull.
134: 154-159. |
Suchý M., Sláma K., Šorm F. (1968) Insect hormone activity of p-(1,5-dimethylbexyl)benzoic acid derivatives in Dysdercus species. Science
162: 582-583. |
Velglová H., Lábler L., Černý V., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1968) On steroids CXI. Some further compounds producing molting defficiencies in an insect. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.
33: 242-256. |
Žďárek J., Sláma K. (1968) Matíng activity in adultoids or supernumerary larvae induced by agents with high juvenile hormone activity. J. Insect Physiol.
14: 563-567. |
Černý V., Dolejš L., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1967) Dehydrojuvabione - a new compound with juvenile hormone activity from balsam fir. Tetrahedron Letters
12: 1053-1057. |
Hora J., Lábler L., Kasal A., Černý V., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1967) Moulting deficiencies produced by some sterol derivatives. On steroids
103: 887-914. |
Hrubešová H., Sláma K. (1967) The effect of hormones on the intestinal proteinase activity of adult Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Hemiptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
64: 175-183. |
Rohdendorf E., Sláma K. (1967) Wachstum und Sauerstoffverbrauch im Wechsel der Postembryonalentwicklung in Thermobia domestica. Zool. Jb. Physiol.
72: 115-122. |
Romaňuk M., Sláma K., Šorm F. (1967) Constitution of a compound with pronounced juvenile hormone activity. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
57: 349-352. |
Sláma K. (1967) Fysiologické dosahy některých nově objevenych chemických látek a možnosti jejich využití v boji proti hmyzu. [The physiological consequences of some newly found chemicals and the possibility of their utilisation in insect control]. Věstník MZLVH, Praha |