Celkem nalezeno: 275 záznamů |
Godlewska M., Frouzová J., Kubečka J., Wisniewolski W., Szlakowski J. (2012) Comparison of hydroacoustic estimates with fish census in shallow Malta Reservoir – which TS/L regression to use in horizontal beam applications? Fisheries Research, 123–124: 90–97. |
Jůza T., Čech M., Kubečka J., Vašek M., Peterka J., Kratochvíl M., Frouzová J., Matěna J. (2012) The influence of the trawl mouth opening size and net colour on catch efficiency during sampling of early stages of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in the bathypelagic layer of a canyon-shaped reservoir. Fisheries Research
123–124: 21–25.. |
Jůza T., Frouzová J., Brämick U., Draštík V., Mrkvička T., Kubečka J. (2012) The vertical distribution of fish in the open water area of a deep temperate mesotrophic lake assessed by hydroacoustics and midwater trawling. International Review of Hydrobiology
97: 509–525.. |
Kratochvíl M., Mrkvička T., Vašek M., Peterka J., Čech M., Draštík V., Jůza T., Matěna J., Muška M., Seďa J., Znachor P., Kubečka J. (2012) Littoral age 0+ fish distribution in relation to multi-scale spatial heterogeneity of a deep-valley reservoir. Hydrobiologia
696: 185–198.. |
Kubečka J., Godø O., Hickley P., Prchalová M., Říha M., Rudstam L., Welcomme R. (2012) Fish sampling with active methods. Fisheries Research
123–124: 1–3.. |
Mrlík V., Slaný M., Kubečka J., Seďa J., Nečas A., Babák V., Slaná I., Kríž P., Pavlík I. (2012) A low prevalence of mycobacteria in freshwater fish from water reservoirs, ponds and farms. Journal of Fish Diseases
35: 497–504.. |
Muška M., Vašek M., Modrý D., Jirků M., Ojwang W.O., Malala J., Kubečka J. (2012) The last snapshot of natural pelagic fish assemblage in Lake Turkana, Kenya: A hydroacoustic study. Journal of Great Lakes Research
38: 98-106. |
Muška M., Vašek M., Modrý D., Jirků M., Ojwang W.O., Malala J., Kubečka J. (2012) The last snapshot of natural pelagic fish assemblage in Lake Turkana, Kenya: A hydroacoustic study. Journal of Great Lakes Research
38: 98–106.. |
Peterka J., Adámek Z., Blabolil P., Bouše E., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Havel L., Hohausová E., Jankovský M., Jarolím O., Jurajda P., Jůza T., Kočvara L., Kratochvíl M., Kubečka J., Muška M., Prchalová M., Richta J., Říha M., Sajdlová Z., Soukalová K., Tušer M., Uhlířová A., Uhlíř F., Vašek M., Vejřík L., Veselý L., Vlasák P. (2012) Ryby nádrže Milada [Fish in the Milada Lake]. In: Šutera, V., Lenc, P., Kroupa, F. & (eds.) Příroda nádrže Milada – území po zatopení lomu Chabařovice. Lesnická práce, s. r. o., Kostelec n. Č. L., ISBN 978–80–7458–024–06: pp. 92–111. |
Prchalová M., Neal J., Munoz-Hincapie M., Jůza T., Říha M., Peterka J., Kubečka J. (2012) Comparison of gill nets and fixed-frame trawls for sampling threadfin shad in tropical reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
141: 1151–1160.. |
Rakowitz G., Tušer M., Říha M., Jůza T., Balk H., Kubečka J. (2012) Use of high-frequency imaging sonar (DIDSON) to observe fish behaviour towards a surface trawl. Fisheries Research
123–124: 37–48.. |
Říha M., Jůza T., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Čech M., Draštík V., Muška M., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M., Kubečka J. (2012) The size selectivity of the main body of a sampling pelagic pair trawl in freshwater reservoirs during the night. Fisheries Research
127–128: 56–60.. |
Čech M., Peterka J., Říha M., Muška M., Hejzlar J., Kubečka J. (2011) Location and timing of the deposition of egg strands by perch (Perca fluviatilis L.): the roles of lake hydrology, spawning substrate and female size. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
403: 08p1-08p12.. |
Frouzová J., Kubečka J., Mrkvička T. (2011) Differences in acoustic target strength pattern between fish with one- and two-chambered swimbladder during rotation in the horizontal plane. Fisheries Research
109: 114-118.. |
Jankovský M., Boukal D., Kubečka J., Pivnička K. (2011) Tracing possible drivers of synchronously fluctuating species catches in individual logbook data. Fisheries Management and Ecology
18: 297-306. |
Jankovský M., Boukal D., Pivnička K., Kubečka J. (2011) Tracing possible drivers of synchronously fluctuating species catches in individual logbook data. Fisheries Management and Ecology
18: 297-306.. |
Kubečka J. (2011) Special issue: Proceedings of the XII. Czech Ichthyological Conference. Folia Zoologica
60: 91-92.. |
Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Čech M., Berec L., Kubečka J. (2011) A model of gillnet catch in relation to the catchable biomass, saturation, soak time and sampling period Fisheries Research
107: 1-3. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2010.10.021 |
Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Čech M., Berec L., Kubečka J. (2011) A model of gillnet catch in relation to the catchable biomass, saturation, soak time and sampling period. Fisheries Research
107: 201-209.. |
Říha M., Kubečka J., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2011) The influence of diel period on fish assemblage in the unstructured littoral of reservoirs. Fisheries Management and Ecology
18: 339-347.. |