Celkem nalezeno: 245 záznamů |
Jílková V., Pîcek T., Frouz J. (2015) Seasonal changes in methane and carbon dioxide flux in wood ant (Formica aquilonia) nests and the surrounding forest soil Pedobiologia
58: 7-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2014.12.001
Bujalský L., Kaneda S., Dvorščík P., Frouz J. (2014) In situ soil respiration at reclaimed and unreclaimed post-mining sites: Responses to temperature and reclamation treatment Ecological Engineering
68: 53-59.
Frouz J., Špaldoňová A., Fričová K., Bartuška M. (2014) The effect of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) and simulated tillage on soil organic carbon in a long-term microcosm experiment Soil Biology and Biochemistry
78: 58-64.
Heděnec P., Novotný D., Usťak S., Cajthaml T., Slejška A., Šimáčková H., Honzík R., Kovářová M., Frouz J. (2014) The effect of native and introduced biofuel crops on the composition of soil biota communities. Biomass and Bioenergy
60: 137-146.
Heděnec P., Novotný D., Usťak S., Honzík R., Kovářová M., Šimáčková H., Frouz J. (2014) Allelopathic effect of new introduced biofuel crops on the soil biota: A comparative study. European Journal of Soil Biology
63: 14-20.
Jílková V., Frouz J. (2014) Contribution of ant and microbial respiration to CO2 emission from wood ant (Formica polyctena) nests European Journal of Soil Biology
60: 44-48.
Špaldoňová A., Frouz J. (2014) The role of Armadillidium vulgare (Isopoda: Oniscidea) in litter decomposition and soil organic matter stabilization Applied Soil Ecology
83: 186-192.
Cejpek J., Kuráž V., Frouz J. (2013) Hydrological properties of soils in reclaimed and unreclaimed sites after brown-coal mining Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
22: 645-652.
Frouz J., Jílková V., Cajthaml T., Pižl V., Tajovský K., Háněl L., Burešová A., Šimáčková H., Kolaříková K., Franklin J. (2013) Soil biota in post-mining sites along a climatic gradient in the USA: Simple communities in shortgrass prairie recover faster than complex communities in tallgrass prairie and forest Soil Biology and Biochemistry
67: 212-225.
Frouz J., Livečková M., Albrechtová J., Chroňáková A., Cajthaml T., Pižl V., Háněl L., Starý J., Baldrián P., Lhotáková Z. (2013) Is the effect of trees on soil properties mediated by soil fauna? A case study from post-mining sites Forest Ecology and Management
309: 87-95.
Frouz J., Thébault E., Piž V., Adl S., Cajthaml T., Baldrián P., Háněl L., Starý J., Tajovský K., Materna J. (2013) Soil food web changes during spontaneous succession at post mining sites: A possible ecosystem engineering effect on food web organization? PLoS ONE
8: -.
Heděnec P., Radochová P., Nováková A., Kaneda S., Frouz J. (2013) Grazing preference and utilization of soil fungi by Folsomia candida (Isotomidae: Collembola) European Journal of Soil Biology
55: 66-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2012.12.005
Jílková V., Domisch T., Horicka Z., Frouz J. (2013) Respiration of wood ant nest material affected by material and forest stand characteristics Biologia (Poland)
68: 1193-1197.
Kaneda S., Frouz J., Baldrián P., Cajthaml T., Krištůfek V. (2013) Does the addition of leaf litter affect soil respiration in the same way as addition of macrofauna excrements (of Bibio marci Diptera larvae) produced from the same litter? Applied Soil Ecology
72: 7-13.
Šnajdr J., Dobiášová P., Urbanová M., Petránková M., Cajthaml T., Frouz J., Baldrián P. (2013) Dominant trees affect microbial community composition and activity in post-mining afforested soils Soil Biology and Biochemistry
56: 105-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.05.004
Toyota A., Hynšt J., Cajthaml T., Frouz J. (2013) Soil fauna increase nitrogen loss in tilled soil with legume but reduce nitrogen loss in non-tilled soil without legume Soil Biology and Biochemistry
60: 105-112. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.01.017
Jílková V., Šebek O., Frouz J. (2012) Mechanisms of pH change in wood ant (Formica polyctena) nests Pedobiologia
55: 247-251. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2012.04.002
Kuráž V., Frouz J., Kuráž M., Mako A., Shustr V., Cejpek J., Romanov O., Abakumov E. (2012) Changes in some physical properties of soils in the chronosequence of self-overgrown dumps of the Sokolov quarry-dump complex, Czechia Eurasian Soil Science
45: 266-272. DOI: 10.1134/S1064229312030076
Mudrák O., Frouz J. (2012) Allelopathic effect of salix caprea litter on late successional plants at different substrates of post-mining sites: Pot experiment studies Botany
90: 311-318. DOI: 10.1139/B2012-005
Mudrák O., Uteseny K., Frouz J. (2012) Earthworms drive succession of both plant and Collembola communities in post-mining sites Applied Soil Ecology
62: 170-177. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.08.004