Celkem nalezeno: 126 záznamů |
Křivan V., Vrkoč I. (1992) Continuous and Lipschitzian selections from measurable set valued map Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
166: 582-590. |
Křivan V. (1991) Construction of population growth equations in the presence of viability constraints. Journal of Mathematical Biology
29: 379-387. |
Křivan V. (1991) Perturbation of viability problem Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
155: 131-139. |
Křivan V. (1991) A note on intersection of contingent cones Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
10: 395-402. |
Křivan V., Vrkoč I. (1990) Absolutely continuous selections from absolutely continuous set valued map Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
40: 503-513. |
Křivan V., Seďa J. (1989) Application of guaranteed regression model to trophic interaction in aquatic systems Ecological Modelling
49: 1-6. |