HR Excellence in Science
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Lysenko O. (1964) Taxonomy of the genus Pseudomonas (Introduction to the panel discussion). In Repts. Conf. Taxon. of Bact. Brno, Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. J. E. Purkyně, Brno, K 32: 458.
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Masner L. (1964) A comparison of some Nearctic and Palearctic genera of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) with revisional notes. Čas. Čs. spol. ent. (Acta ent. bohemosl.) 61: 123-155.
Masner L. (1964) A redescription of three species of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera) from Jurine's collection. Entomophaga 9: 81-89.
Masner L. (1964) Proctotrupoidea jako parasiti Hyphantria cunea. In, Jasič a kol., Spriadač americký. Vydav. SAV, Bratislava.
Novák K. (1964) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Köcherfliegen Böhmens (Trichoptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 61: 279-283.
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Novák V. (1964) The phylogenetic origin of neurosecretion. Gen. comp. Endocrinol. 4: 696-703.
Novák V. (1964) Phylogenetic consideration on the juvenile hormone and other morphogenetically active substances in insects. Proc. XII. Int. Congr. Entom., London 1964, p. 215-216.
Novák V. (1964) The question of the structure and origin of the shoot apices from the point of view of the cormus theory. Int. Symp. on the Morphogenesis of the Shoot Apices, Praha 1964, p. 209-213.
Novák V., Bičík V. (1964) The sources of the three metamorphosis hormones in Syrphus vitripennis (Diptera, Syrphidae). Acta Univ. Palack. Olomucensis, Fac. Rer. Nat.
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Samšiňák K. (1964) Die Milben als Überträger von Insektenkrankheiten. Věstník Čs. zoolog. společnosti 28: 234-236.
Samšiňák K. (1964) Die auf Procerus lebende Formen der Gattung Procericola Coreman, 1950 und Photia Oudemans, 1904. Čas. Čs. spol. zoolog. 28: 34-43.
Samšiňák K. (1964) Zur Kenntnis der Ameisenfauna der Tschechoslowakei (Hym.). Čas. Čs. spol. ent. [Acta ent. bohemosl.) 61: 156-158.
Samšiňáková A. (1964) Sporengewinnung von Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. aus Submerskulturen. Naturwissenschaften 51: 121-122.
Samšiňáková A., Novák V. (1964) Les essais d'application du Champignon parasite Beauveria bassiana dans la lutte contre les parasites en agriculture et sylviculture en ČSSR. Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes (1962, Paris), pp. 133-135.
Skuhravá M., Skuhravý V. (1964) Verbreitung der Gallmücken in Jugoslavien. Deut. Entomol. 11: 449-458.
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