HR Excellence in Science
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Celkem nalezeno: 15140 záznamů
Starý P. (1968) Populatíon dynamics of alfalfa pest aphids (Hom., Aphidoidea) in Czechoslovakia. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Porticí 26: 271-292.
Starý P. (1968) Impact of an indigenous parasite, Aphidius ervi Hal. on pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) populations on alfalfa in Czechoslovakia. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici 26: 294-313.
Suchý M., Sláma K., Šorm F. (1968) Insect hormone activity of p-(1,5-dimethylbexyl)benzoic acid derivatives in Dysdercus species. Science 162: 582-583.
Turner R., Řežábová B. (1968) Studies on respiration of ovarian mitochondria of the house fly (Musca domestica (L.)) II. Influence of aziridine alkylating agents. Abstracts of papers presented at the Fifth meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Prague 1968, p. 161.
Velglová H., Lábler L., Černý V., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1968) On steroids CXI. Some further compounds producing molting defficiencies in an insect. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 33: 242-256.
Weiser J. (1968) Triplosporium tetranychi sp. n. (Phycomycetes, Entomophth.), a fungus infecting the red mite Tetranychus althaeae Hanst. Folia Parasitol. 15: 115-122.
Weiser J. (1968) Plistophora scolyti sp. n. (Protozoa, Microsporidia], a new parasite of Scolytus F. (Col. Scolytidae). Folia Parasitol. 15: 11-14.
Weiser J. (1968) Guide to field determination of major groups of pathogens and parasites affecting arthropods of public health importance. WHO (VBC) 68.59 publ., pp. 11.
Weiser J. (1968) Les structures submicroscopiques des zoospores de Coelomycidium simulii Deb. Colloque de Protistologie, Prague, Avril 1968, p. 37.
Weiser J. (1968) Přeprava hmyzu pro chovné účely. Rychlení a zpomalování vývoje hmyzu v chovech. Nemoci hmyzu v chovech. Simuliidae - Muchničky. In: V. Skuhravý et al.: Metody chovu hmyzu (Rearings of insects). Pp. 28-30, 30-31, 42-44. 161-162, Academia, Praha.
Weiser J., Hazard E. (1968) Sur la transmission des microsporidies Thelohania legeri dans les moustiques. Colloque de Protistologie, Prague, Avril 1968, p. 36.
Weiser J., Žižka Z. (1968) Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung alter Virus-Materialien. Mikroskopie 22: 336-340.
Žďárek J., Sláma K. (1968) Matíng activity in adultoids or supernumerary larvae induced by agents with high juvenile hormone activity. J. Insect Physiol. 14: 563-567.
Zelený J. (1968) Odonata - Vážky. Chrysopa phylochroma Wesm. (Zlatoočka). In: V. Skuhravý et at.: Metody chovu hmyzu (Rearings of insects). Pp. 60-69, 122-125, Academia, Praha.
Žižka Z. (1968) Ultrastructure of the macrogamets of the Coccidian Adelina tribolii Bhatia. Colloque de Protistologie, Prague, Avril 1968, p. 38.
Černý V., Dolejš L., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1967) Dehydrojuvabione - a new compound with juvenile hormone activity from balsam fir. Tetrahedron Letters 12: 1053-1057.
Chvála M., Starý P. (1967) Notes on the horse-flies of Cuba (Diptera, Tabanidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 64: 392-401.
Dirlbek K., Skuhravý V. (1967) Pokus s hubením bejlomorky vojtěškové (Experiments for Control of Gallmidge Larvae). Agrochémia 7: 40-42.
Hodek I. (1967) Bionomics and ecology of predaceous Coccinellidae. Annu. Rev. Entomol., Berkeley, 12: 79-104.
Hodek I. (1967) On the latest position of integrated control in Czechoslovakia. Entomophaga Mém. H. S., 1967(3): 122-123.
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