HR Excellence in Science
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Celkem nalezeno: 15140 záznamů
Masner L. (1968) A new scelionid wasp from the intertidal zone of South Africa (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae). Ann. Natal Mus. 20: 195-198.
Masner L., Muesebeck C. (1968) The types of Proctotrupoidea in the U.S. National Museum. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 270: 143 pp.
Masner P. (1968) The inductors of differentiation of prefollicular tissue and the follicular epithelium in ovarioles of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera). J. Embryol. exp. Morph. 20: 1-13.
Masner P., Sláma K., Landa V. (1968) Natural and synthetíc materials with insect hormone activity. 4. Specific female sterility effects produced by a juvenile hormone analogue. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. 20: 25-31.
Masner P., Sláma K., Landa V. (1968) Sexually spread insect sterility induced by the analogues of juvenile hormone. Nature 219: 395-396.
Novák K. (1968) Contribution a la bionomie de Diatraea saccharalis. Poeyana, A. 44: 1-7.
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Novák V. (1968) Morfogenese živočichů a metamorfosní hormony [Morphogenesis in animals and the metamorphosis hormones]. Biol. listy 1: 14-31.
Pintera A. (1968) Aphids from the subtribe Schizolachnina in Middle Europe. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 100-111.
Řežábová B. (1968) Changes in the metabolism of nucleic acids in the ovaries of the house fly after application of chemosterilants. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 331-340.
Řežábová B., Hora J., Landa V., Černý V., Šorm F. (1968) Sterilizing effect of some 6-ketosteroids on housefly (Musca domestica L.). On Steroids CXIII, Steroids 11: 4. 475-496.
Řežábová B., Hora J., Landa V., Černý V., Šorm F. (1968) On steroids CXIII. Sterilizing effect of some 6-ketosteroids on housefly. Steroids 11: 475-496.
Řežábová B., Landa V. (1968) Effect of thalidomide on the housefly Musca domestica L. Acta ent. bohemoslov., 65: 3: 212-215.
Rohdendorf E. (1968) The fundamental scheme of oogenesis in the firebrat Lepismodes inquilinus (Thysanura, Lepismatidae) and its periodisation in connection with imaginal moulting cycles. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 341-348.
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Rusek J. (1968) Die Apterygotengemeinschaft der Acerato-Fraxinatum-Waldassoziation des Mährischen Karstes. Acta Soc. Zool. bohemoslov. 32: 237-261.
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Rusek J. (1968) Collembola - Chvostoskoci. Elateridae - Kovaříkovití. In: V. Skuhravý et al.: Metody chovu hmyzu (Rearings of insects). Pp. 54-58, 237-240. Academia, Praha.
Rusek J. (1968) Documenta apterygotologica. Pp. 1-26, Ent. ústav ČSAV, Praha.
Růžička Z. (1968) Diplopoda der Steppenformation Kotis, Vorkommen, Ökologie, Phänologie und Vertikalmigration. Acta Soc. Zool. bohemoslov. 62: 71-88.
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