HR Excellence in Science
Celkem nalezeno: 126 záznamů
Křivan V., Schmitz O. (2003) Adaptive foraging and flexible food web topology. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5: 623-652.
Rospars J., Lánský P., Křivan V. (2003) Extracellular transduction Extracellular transduction events under pulsed stimulation in moth olfactory sensilla. Chemical Senses 28: 509-522.
Křivan V., Lánský P., Rospars J. (2002) Coding of periodic pulse stimulation in chemoreceptors. BioSystems 67: 121-128.
Křivan V., Sirot E. (2002) Habitat selection by two competing species in a two-habitat environment. American Naturalist 160: 214-234.
Škaloudová B., Zemek R., Křivan V. (2002) Quantification of leaf injury caused by spider mites using computer-assisted image analysis. In: Weyda F. (ed.), Sbornik přednášek a abstraktů z konference Digitální zobrazování v biologii a medicíně, 13 May 2002, České Budějovice, Institute of Entomology. 59.
Bezděk A., Křivan V. (2001) Odochilus (Parodochilus) jani sp. nov. from Sabah, Borneo (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Entomol. Problems 32: 65-67.
Lánský P., Křivan V., Rospars J. (2001) Ligand-receptor interaction under periodic stimulation: a modeling study of concentration chemoreceptors. Eur. Biophys J. 30: 110-120.
Van Baalen M., Křivan V., Van Rijn P., Sabelis M. (2001) Alternative food, switching predators, and the persistence of predator-prey systems. Amer. Natur. 157: 512-523.
Berec L., Křivan V. (2000) A mechanistic model for partial preferences. Theor. Popul. Biol. 58: 279-290.
Křivan V. (2000) Optimal intraguild foraging and population stability. Theor. Popul. Biol. 58: 79-94.
Křivan V., Havelka J. (2000) Leslie model for predatory gall-midge population. Ecol. Model. 126: 73-77.
Křivan V., Vrkoč I. (2000) Patch choice under predation hazard. Theor. Popul. Biol. 58: 329-340.
Rospars J., Křivan V., Lánský P. (2000) Perireceptor and receptor events in olfaction. Comparison of concentration and flux detectors: a modeling study. Chem. Senses 25: 293-311.
Boukal D., Křivan V. (1999) Lyapunov functions for Lotka-Volterra predator-prey models with optimal foraging behavior. J. Math. Biol. 39: 493-517.
Křivan V., Sikder A. (1999) Optimal foraging and predator-prey dynamics, II. Theor. Popul. Biol. 55: 111-126.
Boukal D., Křivan V. (1998) The influence of switching on the neutral stability of the Lotka-Volterra dynamics. FITOP, August 10-14, 1998, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Abstract p. 9.
Havelka J., Zemek R., Křivan V. (1998) Population quality parameters of Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rond.) as a base for its mass production and use. In: Brunnhofer V., Soldán T. (eds.) Book of Abstracts, VIth European Congress of Entomology, August 23-29, 1998, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Abstract p. 611.
Křivan V. (1998) Effects of optimal antipredator behavior of prey on predator-prey dynamics: the role of refuges. Theor. Popul. Biol. 53: 131-142.
Křivan V. (1998) Switching in predator-prey and host-parasitoid models. FITOP, August 10-14, 1998, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Abstract p. 19.
Křivan V., Colombo G. (1998) A non-stochastic approach for modeling uncertainty in population dynamics. Bull. Mat. Biol. 60: 721-751.


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