Celkem nalezeno: 112 záznamů |
Jankovský M., Boukal D., Kubečka J., Pivnička K. (2011) Tracing possible drivers of synchronously fluctuating species catches in individual logbook data. Fisheries Management and Ecology
18: 297-306. |
Jankovský M., Boukal D., Pivnička K., Kubečka J. (2011) Tracing possible drivers of synchronously fluctuating species catches in individual logbook data. Fisheries Management and Ecology
18: 297-306.. |
Jeřábková L., Boukal D. (2011) Živolovné pasti. Účinná metoda průzkumu čolků a vodních brouků [Live traps – an effective method for studying amphibians and water beetles] Ochrana přírody
5: 23-25. |
Klečka J., Boukal D. (2011) Lazy ecologist's guide to water beetle diversity: Which sampling methods are the best? Ecological Indicators
11: 500-508. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.07.005 |
Boukal D., De Roos A., Persson L., Heino M. (2010) On the interplay of environmental changes and fishing pressure in exploited fish stocks ICES CM 2010/M:15, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 11 pp |
Kubečka J., Boukal D., Matěna J., Soukalová K., Říha M. (2010) Mořský a sladkovodní svět se střetly na jihu Čech [Marine and freshwater worlds met in South Bohemia]. Akademický bulletin
2010: 22–23.. |
Pavlova V., Berec L., Boukal D. (2010) Caught between two Allee effects: trade-off between reproduction and predation risk Journal of Theoretical Biology
264: 787-798. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.03.009 |
Boukal D., Berec L. (2009) Modelling mate-finding Allee effects and populations dynamics, with applications in pest control Population Ecology
51: 445–458. |
Boukal D., Berec L., Křivan V. (2008) Does sex-selective predation stabilize or destabilize
predator-prey dynamics? PLoS ONE
3: 1-10. |
Boukal D., Dunlop E., Heino M., Dieckmann U. (2008) Fisheries-induced evolution of body size and other life history traits: the impact of gear selectivity ICES CM 2008/F:07, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 7 pp |
Deredec A., Berec L., Boukal D., Courchamp F. (2008) Are non-sexual models appropriate for predicting the impact of virus-vectored immunocontraception? Journal of Theoretical Biology
250: 281-290. |
Heino M., Baulier L., Boukal D., Dunlop E., Eliassen S., Enberg K., Jorgensen C., Varpe O. (2008) Evolution of growth in Gulf of St Lawrence cod? Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences
275: 1111-1112.. |
Heino M., Boukal D., Falkenhaug T., Piatkowski U., Porteiro F., Sutton T. (2008) Size structure, age-size dynamics and life history variation ICES CM 2008/F:13, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 7 pp |
Heino M., Boukal D., Falkenhaug T., Piatkowski U., Porteiro F., Sutton T. (2008) Length structure of deep-pelagic fishes sheds new light to their life histories ICES CM 2008/C:14, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 6 pp |
Jorgensen C., Enberg K., Dunlop E., Arlinghaus R., Boukal D., Brander K., Ernande B., Gardmark A., Johnston F., Matsumura S., Pardoe H., Raab K., Silva A., Vainikka A., Dieckmann U., Heino M., Rijnsdorp A. (2008) The role of fisheries-induced evolution – Response Science
320: 48-50. |
Boukal D., Boukal M., Fikáček M., Hájek J., Klečka J., Skalický S., Šťastný J., Trávníček D. (2007) Katalog vodních brouků České republiky / Catalogue of water beetles of the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana
43: 1-289. |
Boukal D., Sabelis M., Berec L. (2007) How predator functional responses and Allee effects in prey affect the paradox of enrichment and population collapses. Theoretical Population Biology
72: 136-147. |
Jorgensen C., Enberg K., Dunlop E., Arlinghaus R., Boukal D., Brander K., Ernande B., Gardmark A., Johnston F., Matsumura S., Pardoe H. (2007) Managing evolving fish stocks. Science
318: 1247-1248.. |
Boukal D., De Roos A., Persson L. (2006) Late or partial fishing moratoria can lead to irreversible changes in age and size at maturation ICES CM 2006/H:05, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 19 pp |
Boukal D., Klečka J., Soldán T. (2006) Vodní hmyz řeky Malše v okolí Českých Budějovic. [Water insects of the Malše River in the environs of České Budějovice.] Sborník Jihočeského Muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní Vědy
46: 229-234. |