HR Excellence in Science
Celkem nalezeno: 107 záznamů
Han M., Vlasák J., Cui B. (2015) Daedalea americana sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis Phytotaxa 204: 277-286.
DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.204.4.4
Rivoire B., Trichies G., Vlasák J. (2015) Cartilosoma rene-hentic (Basidiomycota, Polyporales), une espéce nouvelle dans le groupe d´ Antrodia ramentacea BULLETIN MENSUEL DE LA SOCIETE LINNEENNE DE LYON 84: 5-18.
Spirin V., Kout J., Vlasák J. (2015) Studies in the Truncospora ohiensis – T. ochroleuca group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Nova Hedwigia 100: 159–175.
DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2014/0221
Spirin V., Runnel K., Vlasák J., Miettinen O., Pöldmaa K. (2015) Species diversity in the Antrodia crassa group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Fungal biology 119 (12): 1291-1310.
DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2015.09.008
Spirin V., Vlasák J., Milakovsky B., Miettinen O. (2015) Searching for indicator species of old-growth spruce forests: studies in the genus Jahnoporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Cryptogamie Mycologie 36 (4): 409-417.
DOI: 10.7872/crym/v36.iss4.2015.409
Vlasák J., Vlasák J., Kinnunen J., Spirin V. (2015) Geographic distribution of Sarcoporia polyspora and S. longitubulata sp. nov. Mycotaxon 130: 279-287.
Zhou L., Cao Y., Wu S., Vlasák J., Li D., Li M., Dai Y. (2015) Global diversity of the Ganoderma lucidum complex (Ganodermataceae,Polyporales) inferred from morphology and multilocus phylogeny Phytochemistry 114: 7-15.
DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2014.09.023
Cui B., Vlasák J., Dai Y. (2014) The Phylogenetic Position of Osteina obducta (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Based on Samples from Northern Hemisphere CHIANG MAI JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 41: 838-845.
Cui B., Zhao C., Vlasák J., Dai Y. (2014) A preliminary report on decay and canker of Acacia richii caused by Inonotus rickii in China Forest pathology 44: 82-84.
DOI: 10.1111/efp.12088
Dai Y., Xue H., Vlasák J., Rajchenberg M., Wang B., Zhou L. (2014) Phylogeny and global diversity of Polyporus group Melanopus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Fungal diversity 64: 133–144.
DOI: 10.1007/s13225-013-0248-3
He S., Vlasák J., Dai Y. (2014) Hispidaedalea gen. nov. and Griseoporia taiwanense sp. nov. (Gloeophyllales, Basidiomycota) based on morphological and molecular characters Mycological Progress 13: 833–839.
DOI: 10.1007/s11557-014-0966-2
Li H., Li X., Vlasák J., Dai Y. (2014) Neofomitella polyzonata gen. et sp. nov., and N. fumosipora and N. rhodophaea transferred from Fomitella Mycotaxon 129: 7–20.
DOI: 10.5248/129.7
Spirin V., Vlasák J., Niemelä T. (2014) Fuscoporia insolita (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota), a New Species from Russian Far East Annales Botanici Fennici 51: 403–406.
DOI: 10.5735/085.051.0607
Zhou L., Spirin V., Vlasák J. (2014) Phellinidium asiaticum sp nova (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota), the Asian kin of P. fragrans and P pouzarii Annales Botanici Fennici 51: 167-172.
DOI: 10.5735/085.053.0104
Zhou L., Vlasák J., Vlasák J. (2014) Inonotus andersonii and I. krawtzewii: Another Case of Molecular Sequencing-Based Diagnosis of Morphologically Similar Species. CHIANG MAI JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 41: 789-797.
Bříza J., Pavingerová D., Vlasák J., Niedermeierová H. (2013) Norway spruce (Picea abies) genetic transformation with modified Cry3A gene of Bacillus thuringiensis Acta Biochimica Polonica 60: 395-400.
Bříza J., Vlasák J., Ryba Š., Ludvíková V., Niedermeierová H. (2013) Transformation of tobacco cpDNA with fusion E7GGG/GUS gene and homologous recombination mediated elimination of the marker gene Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 27: 3644-3648.
Kout J., Vlasák J., Vlasák J. (2013) Gloeophyllum protractum is synonymous with G. mexicanum Mycotaxon 123: 31-37.
DOI: 10.5248/123.31
Mostafa M., Vlasák J., Sehnal F. (2013) Activities of modified Cry3A-type toxins on the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Journal of Applied Entomology 137: 684-692.
DOI: 10.1111/jen.12054
Spirin S., Vlasák J., Niemelä T., Miettinen O. (2013) What is Antrodia sensu stricto? Mycologia 105: 1555-1576.


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