Celkem nalezeno: 64 záznamů |
Burgunder J., Pafčo B., Petrželková K. J., Modrý D., Hashimoto C., MacIntosh A.J.J. (2017) Complexity in behavioural organization and strongylid infection among wild chimpanzees Animal Behaviour
129: 257-268. DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.06.002 |
Červená B., Vallo P., Pafčo B., Jirků-Pomajbíková K., Jirků M., Petrželková K. J., Todd A., Turkalo A.K., Modrý D. (2017) Host specificity and basic ecology of Mammomonogamus (Nematoda, Syngamidae) from lowland gorillas and forest elephants in Central African Republic Parasitology
144: 1016-1025. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182017000221 |
Mapua M., Pafčo B., Burgunder J., Profousová-Pšenková I., Todd A., Hashimoto C., Qablan M., Modrý D., Petrželková K. J. (2017) No impact of strongylid infections on the detection of Plasmodium spp. in faeces of western lowland gorillas and eastern chimpanzees Malaria Journal
16: 175. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-017-1822-z |
Červená B., Brant S., Fairet E., Shirley M., Petrželková K. J., Modrý D. (2016) Schistosoma mansoni in Gabon: Emerging or Ignored? American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
95: 849-851. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0446 |
Gomez A., Petrželková K. J., Burns M., Yeoman C., Amato K., Vlčková K., Modrý D., Todd A., Robinson C., Remis M., Torralba M., Morton E., Uman J., Carbonero F., Gaskins H., Nelson K., Wilson B., Stumpf R., White B., Leigh S., Blekhman R. (2016) Gut Microbiome of Coexisting BaAka Pygmies and Bantu Reflects Gradients of Traditional Subsistence Patterns Cell Reports
14: 2142-2153. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.02.013 |
Gomez A., Rothman J., Petrželková K. J., Yeoman C., Vlčková K., Umaña J., Carr M., Modrý D., Todd A., Todd A., Torralba M., Nelson K., Stumpf R., Wilson B., Blekhman R., White B., Leigh S. (2016) Temporal variation selects for diet–microbe co-metabolic traits in the gut of Gorilla spp. ISME Journal
10: 514-526. DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2015.146 |
Grützmacher K., Köndgen S., Keil V., Todd A., Feistner A., Herbinger I., Petrželková K. J., Fuh T., Leendertz S., Calvignac-Spencer S., Leendertz F. (2016) Codetection of respiratory syncytial virus in habituated wild western lowland gorillas and humans during a respiratory disease outbreak EcoHealth
13: 499-510. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-016-1144-6 |
Hasegawa H., Kalousová B., McLennan M., Modrý D., Profousová-Pšenková I., Shutt-Phillips K., Todd A., Huffman M., Petrželková K. J. (2016) Strongyloides infections of humans and great apes in Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic and in degraded forest fragments in Bulindi, Uganda Parasitology International
5A: 367-3670. DOI: 10.1016/j.parint.2016.05.004 |
Jirků-Pomajbíková K., Čepička I., Kalousová B., Jirků M., Stewart F., Levecke B., Modrý D., Piel A., Petrželková K. J. (2016) Molecular identification of Entamoeba species in savanna woodland chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) Parasitology
143: 741-748. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182016000263 |
Kalousová B., Hasegawa H., Petrželková K. J., Sakamaki T., Kooriyma T., Modrý D. (2016) Adult hookworms (Necator spp.) collected from researchers working with wild western lowland gorillas Parasites & Vectors
9: 75. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-016-1357-0 |
Madinda N., Ehlers B., Wertheim J., Akoua-Koffi C., Bergl R., Boesch C., Boji Mungu A., Eckardt W., Fruth B., Gillespie T., Gray M., Hohmann G., Karhemere S., Kujirakwinja D., Langergraber K., Muyembe J., Nishuli R., Pauly M., Petrželková K. J., Robbins M., Todd A., Schubert G., Stoinski T., Wittig R., Zuberbühler K., Peeters M., Leendertz F., Calvignac-Spencer S. (2016) Assessing host-virus co-divergence for close relatives of Merkel cell polyomavirus infecting African great apes Journal of Virology
90: 8531-8541. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00247-16 |
Mapua M., Petrželková K. J., Burgunder J., Dadáková E., Brožová K., Hrazdilová K., Stewart F., Piel A., Vallo P., Fuehrer H., Hashimoto C., Modrý D., Qablan M. (2016) A comparative molecular survey of malaria prevalence among Eastern chimpanzee populations in Issa Valley (Tanzania) and Kalinzu (Uganda) Malaria Journal
15: 423. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-016-1476-2 |
Vlčková K., Gomez A., Petrželková K. J., Whittier C., Todd A., Yeoman C., Nelson K., Wilson B., Stumpf R., Modrý D., White B., Leigh S. (2016) Effect of Antibiotic Treatment on the Gastrointestinal Microbiome of Free-Ranging Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla) Microbial Ecology
72: 943-854. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-016-0745-5 |
Hoppe E., Pauly M., Gillespie T., Akoua-Koffi C., Hohmann G., Fruth B., Karhemere S., Madinda N., Mugisha L., Muyembe J., Todd A., Petrželková K. J., Gray M., Robbins M., Bergl R., Wittig R., Zuberbühler K., Boesch C., Schubert G., Leendertz F., Ehlers B., Sébastien Calvignac-Spencer S. (2015) Multiple cross-species transmission events of human adenoviruses (HAdV) during hominine evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution
32: 2072-2084. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msv090 |
Sak B., Petrželková K. J., Květoňová D., Mynarova A., Shutt K., Kalousová B., Pomajbíková K., Modrý D., Benavides J., Todd A., Kváč M. (2013) Long-Term Monitoring of Microsporidia, Cryptosporidium and Giardia Infections in Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at Different Stages of Habituation in Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic PLOS ONE
8: e71840. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071840 |
Petrželková K. J., Schovancová K., Profousová I., Kišidayová S., Varádyová Z., Pekár S., Kamler J., Modrý D. (2012) The effect of low- and high-fiber diets on the population of entodiniomorphid ciliates Troglodytella abrassarti in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). American Journal of Primatology
74: 669–675. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22021 |
Smejkalová P., Petrželková K. J., Pomajbíková K., Modrý D., Čepička I. (2012) Extensive diversity of intestinal trichomonads of non-human primates. Parasitology
139: 92–102. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182011001624 |
Vlčková K., Mrázek J., Kopečný J., Petrželková K. J. (2012) Evaluation of different storage methods to characterize the fecal bacterial communities of captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Journal of Microbiological Methods
91: 45–51. DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2012.07.015 |
Profousová I., Petrželková K. J., Pomajbíková K., Modrý D. (2011) Survival and morphologic changes of entodiniomorphid ciliate Troglodytella abrassarti in chimpanzee feces. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
42: 69–74. DOI: 10.1638/2010-0100.1 |
Sak B., Kváč M., Petrželková K. J., Květoňová D., Pomajbíková K., Mulama M., Kiyang J., Modrý D. (2011) Diversity of microsporidia (Fungi: Microsporidia) among captive great apes in European zoos and African sanctuaries: evidence for zoonotic transmission? Folia Parasitologica
58: 81–86. Dokumenty ke stažení: 2011_Sak_FP_81 (pdf) |