Celkem nalezeno: 38 záznamů |
Macas J., Kejnovský E., Neumann P., Novák P., Koblížková A., Vyskot B. (2011) Next Generation Sequencing-Based Analysis of Repetitive DNA in the Model Dioceous Plant Silene latifolia PLoS ONE
6: e27335. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027335 |
Neumann P., Navrátilová A., Koblížková A., Kejnovský E., Hřibová E., Hobza R., Widmer A., Doležel J., Macas J. (2011) Plant centromeric retrotransposons: a structural and cytogenetic perspective Mobile DNA 2: DOI: 10.1186/1759-8753-2-4 |
Macas J., Koblížková A., Navrátilová A., Neumann P. (2009) Hypervariable 3' UTR region of plant LTR-retrotransposons as a source of novel satellite repeats Gene
448: 198-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2009.06.014 |
Čermák T., Kubát Z., Hobza R., Koblížková A., Widmer A., Macas J., Vyskot B., Kejnovský E. (2008) Survey of repetitive sequences in Silene latifolia with respect to their distribution on sex chromosomes Chromosome Research
16: 961-976. DOI: 10.1007/s10577-008-1254-2 |
Navrátilová A., Koblížková A., Macas J. (2008) Survey of extrachromosomal circular DNA derived from plant satellite repeats BMC Plant Biology
8: 90. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-8-90 |
Macas J., Navrátilová A., Koblížková A. (2006) Sequence homogenization and chromosomal localization of VicTR-B satellites differ between closely related Vicia species Chromosoma
115: 437-447. |
Neumann P., Koblížková A., Navratilová A., Macas J. (2006) Significant expansion of Vicia pannonica genome size mediated by amplification of a single type of giant retroelement Genetics
173: 1047-1056. |
Macas J., Koblížková A., Neumann P. (2005) Characterization of Stowaway MITEs in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and identification of their potential master elements Genome
48: 831-839. |
Neumann P., Požárková D., Koblížková A., Macas J. (2005) PIGY, a new plant envelope-class LTR retrotransposon Molecular Genetics and Genomics
273: 43-53. |
Požárková D., Koblížková A., Román B., Torres A., Lucretti S., Lysák M., Doležel J., Macas J. (2002) Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from chromosome 1-specific DNA libraries of Vicia faba Biologia Plantarum
45: 337-345. |
Požárková D., Koblížková A., Román B., Torres A., Lucretti S., Lysák M., Doležel J., Macas J. (2001) Targeted retrieval of molecular markers from defined part of field bean chromosome 1 Chromosome Research
9: 100. |
Nouzová M., Doleželová M., Koblížková A., Neumann P., Doležel J., Macas J. (1999) Cloning and characterization of new repetitive sequences in field bean (Vicia faba L.) Annals of Botany
83: 535-541. |
Vaz Patto M., Torres A., Koblížková A., Macas J., Cubero J. (1999) Development of a genetic composite map of Vicia faba using F2 populaions derived from trisomic plants Theoretical and Applied Genetics
98: 736-743. |
Koblížková A. (1998) Mapování genomů rostlin pomocí mikrosatelitových markerů Biologické Listy
63: 139-153. |
Koblížková A., Doležel J., Macas J. (1998) Subtraction with 3'modified oligonucleotides eliminates amplification artefacts in DNA libraries enriched for microsatellites Biotechniques
25: 32-38. |
Šiffelová G., Pavelková M., Koblížková A., Wiesner I., Našinec V., Našinec I. (1998) RAPD fingerprinting of diploid Lolium perenne x hexaploid Festuca arundinacea hybrid genomes Biologia Plantarum
40: 183-192. |
Šiffelová G., Pavelková M., Koblížková A., Wiesner I., Našinec V. (1997) Computer-aided RAPD fingerprinting of accessions from the ryegrass-fescue complex Journal of Agricultural Science
129: 257-265. |
Šiffelová G., Pavelková M., Koblížková A., Wiesner I., Našinec V., Kiss G., Kaló P., Csanadi G., Endre G., Felfoldi K. (1996) Genetic map of diploid alfalfa based on DNA markers Journal of Experimental Botany
47: 31. |