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Starý P. (1970) Laboratory adaptation of Aphidius smithi Sharma and Subba Rao (Hym., Aphidiidae) to cooler environments. Boll. Lab. ent. Agr. Portici 28: 19-34.
Starý P. (1970) Storage of Aphidius smithi (Hym., Aphidiidae) for mass-release. Boll. Lab. ent. Agr. Portici 28: 224-228.
Starý P. (1970) Parasites of Impatientinum asiaticum Nevsky, a newly introduced aphid to Central Europe (Hom., Aphididae, Hym. Aphidiidae). Boll. Lab. ent. Agr. Portici 25: 236-244.
Starý P. (1969) Gegenwärtige Problematik und Richtungen der Blattlausparasitenforschung (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Anz. Schädlingsk. Pflschtz. 42: 19-22.
Starý P. (1968) Aphidius ervi Hal. - Mšicomar. In: V. Skuhravý et al.: ln: Metody chovu hmyzu (Rearings of insects). Pp. 256-267, Academia, Praha.
Starý P. (1968) The creation of artificial foci of parasites - a new method of aphid parasite release. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 76-77.
Starý P. (1968) Biological control of aphid pests (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) by parasites (Hym. Aphidiidae) in the West Indies. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. N.S., 4: 27-43.
Starý P. (1968) Parasites and their role in limitation and control of aphids artacking annonaceous trees in the West Indies (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae; Homoptera: Aphidoidea). Turrialba. C. R. 18: 129-132.
Starý P. (1968) Geographic distribution and faunistic complexes of parasites (Hym., Aphidiidae) in relation to biological control of aphids (Hym., Aphidoidea). Acta Univ. Carol. Biol., 1967: 23-89.
Starý P. (1968) Parasites and theír utilization in aphid control in the tropics (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae, Homoptera: Aphidoidea). Turrialba. C. R. 18: 887-390.
Starý P. (1968) Diapause in Monoctonia pistaciaecola Starý, a parasite of gall aphids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae; Homoptera: Aphidoidea). Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici 26: 241-250.
Starý P. (1968) Biological control of aphids - pests of citrus and tea plantations in the Black Sea coast districts. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici 26: 227-240.
Starý P. (1968) Populatíon dynamics of alfalfa pest aphids (Hom., Aphidoidea) in Czechoslovakia. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Porticí 26: 271-292.
Starý P. (1968) Impact of an indigenous parasite, Aphidius ervi Hal. on pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) populations on alfalfa in Czechoslovakia. Boll. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici 26: 294-313.
Chvála M., Starý P. (1967) Notes on the horse-flies of Cuba (Diptera, Tabanidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 64: 392-401.
Hodek I., Holman J., Starý P., Štys P., Zelený J. (1967) Přirození nepřátelé mšice makové - Aphis fabae Scop. (Natural enemies of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae Scop. in Czechoslovakia). 126 pp., Academia, Praha (in Czech).
Mackauer M., Starý P. (1967) Hym. Ichneumonoidea, World Aphidiidae. In: Delucchi V., Remaudiére G. (editors): Index of Entomophagous Insects. 195 pp., Le Francois, Paris.
Starý P. (1967) Multilateral aphid control concept. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. N.S., 3: 221-225.
Starý P. (1967) A review of hymenopterous parasites of citrus pest aphids of the world and biological control projects (Hym., Aphidiidae; Hom., Aphidoidea). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 64: 37-61.
Starý P. (1967) Biological control of sugar cane aphid pests in the West Indies (Hom., Aphidoidea; Hym., Aphidiidea). Riv. Agric. Subtrop. Tropic., Finenze, 61 (1-3) (4-6): 38 pp.
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