Celkem nalezeno: 64 záznamů |
Davison S., Mascellani Bergo A., Ward Z., Sackett A., Stryková A., Jaimes J.D., Travis D., Clayton J.B., Clayton J.B., Murphy H.W., Danforth M.D., Smith B.K., Blekhman R., Fuh T., Fuh T., Niatou Singa F.S., Havlik J., Petrželková K. J., Gomez A. (2025) Cardiometabolic disease risk in gorillas is associated with altered gut microbial metabolism NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes
11: 33. DOI: 10.1038/s41522-025-00664-3
Červená B., Prokopová T., Cameira R.M., Pafčo B., Samaš P., Romportl D., Uwamahoro C., Noheri J.B., Ntwari A.E., Bahizi M., Nzayisenga G., Nziza J., Gilardi K., Eckardt W., Ndagijimana F., Mudakikwa A., Muvunyi R., Uwingeli P., Cranfield M., Šlapeta J., Petrželková K. J., Modrý D. (2024) Anoplocephalid tapeworms in mountain gorillas ( Gorilla beringei beringei) inhabiting the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda Parasitology
151: 135–150. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182023001178
Mason B., Červená B., Frias L., Goossens B., Hasegawa H., Keuk K., Langgeng A., Majewski K., Matsumoto T., Matsuura K., Mendonça R., Okamoto M., Peter S., Petrželková K. J., Sipangkui S., Xu Z., Pafčo B., MacIntosh A.J.J. (2024) Novel insight into the genetic diversity of strongylid nematodes infecting South-East and East Asian primates Parasitology
151: 514–522. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182024000386
Nosková E., Sambucci K.M., Petrželková K. J., červená B., Modrý D., Pafčo B. (2024) Strongyloides in non-human primates: significance for public health control Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
379: 20230006. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2023.0006
Šejnohová A., Koutenská Koutenská, Jirků M., Brožová K., Pavlíčková Z., Kadlecová O., Cinek O., Maloney J.G., Santin M., Petrželková K. J., Jirků K. (2024) A cross-sectional survey of Blastocystis sp. and Dientamoeba fragilis in non-human primates and their caregivers in Czech zoos One Health
19: 100862. DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2024.100862
Brožová K., Jirků M., Lhotská Z., Květoňová D., Kadlecová O., Rune Stensvold C., Samaš P., Petrželková K. J., Jirků K. (2023) The Opportunistic Protist, Giardia intestinalis, Occurs in Gut-healthy Humans in a High-income Country Giardia intestinalis in gut-healthy humans Emerging Microbes and Infections
12: 2270077. DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2023.2270077
Ilík V., Kreisinger J., Modrý D., Schwarz E.M., Tagg N., Mbohli D., Nkombou I.C., Petrželková K. J., Pafčo B. (2023) High diversity and sharing of strongylid nematodes in humans and great apes co-habiting an unprotected area in Cameroon PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
17: 8. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011499
Nosková E., Modrý D., Baláž V., Červená B., Jirků-Pomajbíková K., Leowski C., Petrželková K. J., Pšenková-Profousová I., Vodička R., Kessler S.E., Ngoubangoye B. , Setchell J.M., Pafčo B. (2023) Identification of pontetially zoonotic parasites in captive orangutans and semi-captive mandrills: phylogeny and morphological comparison American Journal of Primatology
85: e23475. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23475
Jirků M., Kašparová A., Lhotská Z., Oborník M., Brožová K., Petrželková K. J., Samaš P., Kadlecová O., Stensvold C., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2022) A cross-sectional study on the occurrence of the intestinal protist, Dientamoeba fragilis, in the gut-gealthy volunteers and their animals International Journal of Molecular Sciences
22: 15407. DOI: 10.3390/ijms232315407
Mason B., Petrželková K. J., Kreisinger J., Bohm T., Fairet E., Fuh T., Gomez A., Knauf S., Maloueki U., Modrý D., Shirley M., Tagg N., Wangue N., Pafčo B. (2022) Gastrointestinal symbiont diversity in wild gorilla: A comparison of bacterial and strongylid communities across multiple localities Molecular Ecology
31: 4127-4145. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16558
Mason B., Piel A., Modrý D., Petrželková K. J., Stewart F., Pafčo B. (2022) Association of human disturbance and gastrointestinal parasite infection of yellow baboons in western Tanzania Plos ONE
17: e0262481. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262481
Petrželková K. J., Samaš P., Romportl D., Uwamahoro C., Červená B., Pafčo B., Prokopová T., Cameira R., Granjon A.C., Shapiro A., Bahizi M., Nziza J., Noheri J.B., Syaluha E.K., Eckardt W., Ndagijimana F., Šlapeta J., Modrý D., Gilardi K., Muvunyi R., Uwingeli P., Mudakikwa A., Mapilanga J., Kalonji A., Hickey J.R., Cranfield M. (2022) Ecological drivers of helminth infection patterns in the Virunga Massif mountain gorilla population International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife
17: 174 - 184. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2022.01.007
Schulz D. , Červená B., Procter M., Modrý D., Petrželková K. J., Qablan M. (2022) Occurrence and diversity of anaerobic gut fungi in wild forest elephants and buffaloes inhabiting two separated forest ecosystems in Central West Africa Journal of Vertebrate Biology
71: 21033. DOI: 10.25225/jvb.21033
Schulz D. , Pšenková-Profousová I., Červená B., Procter M., Fuh Neba T., Modrý D., Petrželková K. J., Qablan M. (2022) Occurrence and diversity of anaerobic gut fungi in wild forest elephants and buffaloes inhabiting two separated forest ecosystems in Central West Africa Journal of Vertebrate Biology
71: 21033. DOI: 10.25225/jvb.21033
Sharma A., Davison S., Pafčo B., Clayton J.B., Rothman J., McLennan M., Cibot M., Fuh T., Vodička R., Robinson C.J., Petrželková K. J., Gomez A. (2022) The primate gut mycobiome-bacteriome interface is impacted by environmental and subsistence factors NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes
8: 12. DOI: 10.1038/s41522-022-00274-3
Šloufová M., Lhotská Z., Jirků M., Petrželková K. J., Stensvold C., Cinek O., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2022) Comparison of molecular diagnostic approaches for the detection and differentiation of the intestinal protist Blastocystis sp. in humans Parasite
29: 30. DOI: 10.1051/parasite/2022029
Cibot M., McLennan M., Kváč M., Sak B., Asiimwe C., Petrželková K. J. (2021) Sparse Evidence for Giardia intestinalis, Cryptosporidium spp. and Microsporidia Infections in Humans, Domesticated Animals and Wild Nonhuman Primates Sharing a Farm–Forest Mosaic Landscape in Western Uganda Pathogens
10: 933. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10080933
Jirků M., Lhotská Z., Frgelecová L., Kadlecová O., Petrželková K. J., Morien E., Jirků-Pomajbíková K. (2021) Helminth Interactions with Bacteria in the Host Gut Are Essential for Its Immunomodulatory Effect Microorganisms
9: 226. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9020226
Muehlbauer A.L., Richards A.L., Alazizi A., Burns M., Gomez A., Clayton J.B., Petrželková K. J., Cascardo C., Resztak J., Wen X., Pique-Regi R., Luca F., Blekhman R. (2021) Interspecies variation in hominid gut microbiota controls host gene regulation Cell Reports
37: 110057. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110057
Petrželková K. J., Uwamahoro C., Pafčo B., Červená B., Samaš P., Mudakikwa A., Muvunyi R., Uwingeli P., Gilardi K., Nziza J., Noheri J.B., Eckardt W., Ndagijimana F., Ssebide B., Okwirokello R., Nizeyimana F., Syaluha E.K., Nzayisenga G., Flores Girón L., Bahizi M., Ntwari A.E., Lukusa J.P., Tumushime J.C., Stryková A., Tehlárová Z., Cameira R., Lowenstine L., Šlapeta J., Romportl D., Ferrari N., Cranfield M., Modrý D. (2021) Heterogeneity in patterns of helminth infections across populations of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) Scientific Reports
11: 10869 . DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89283-4