HR Excellence in Science
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Celkem nalezeno: 527 záznamů
Starý P., Fernando Rodríguez A., Marcos Gerding P. (1993) Natural enemies released against the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), in Chile. Agricultura Tecnica (Chile) 53: 359-361.
Starý P., Gerding M., Norambuena H., Remaudiére G. (1993) Environmental research on aphid parasitoid biocontrol agents in Chile (Hym., Aphidiidae; Hom., Aphidoidea). J. Appl. Ent. 115: 292-306.
Zumr V., Starý P. (1993) Baited pitfall and flight traps in monitoring Hylobius abietis (L.) (Col., Curculionidae). J. Appl. Ent. 115: 454-461.
Daane K., Yokota G., Gill R., Caltagirone L., Hagen K., González D., Starý P., Chaney W. (1992) Imported parasite may help control European asparagus aphid. California Agriculture 46: 12-14.
González D., Gilstrap F., Mckinnon L., Zhang J., Zareh N., Zhang G., Starý P., Wooley J., Wang R. (1992) Foreign exploration for natural enemies of Russian wheat aphid in Iran and in the Kunlun, Tian Shan, and Altai mountain valleys of the People's Republic of China. In: Proc. 5th Russian Wheat Aphid Conf., For Worth 1992 (Texas). Publ. Great Plains Agric. Council No. 142, pp. 197-209.
Kadlec Z., Starý P., Zumr V. (1992) Field evidence for the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis as a vector of Heterobasidion annosum. Eur. J. Forest Pathol. 22: 316-318.
Mckinnon L., Gilstrap F., González D., Woolley J., Starý P., Wharton R. (1992) Importations of natural enemies for biological control of Russian wheat aphid, 1988-1991. In: Proc. 5th Russian Wheat Aphid Conf., Fort Worth (Texas). Publ. Great Plains Agric. Council No. 142, pp. 136-145.
Starý P. (1992) "Zkušenosti našich expertů v zahraničí". Biologický boj se mšicí Diuraphis noxia na obilí v Chile. Bull. Čs. výboru pro spolupráci s FAO 2: 50-52.
Starý P., Gerding M., Norambuena H. (1992) Identification de parasitoides de afidos de los cereales. FAO/INIA, INIA-Quilamapu, Chillán, 8 p.
Starý P., González D. (1992) Field acceptance of exposed exotic aphids by indigenous natural enemies (Homoptera: Aphidinea: Aphididae). Entomol. Generalis 17: 121-129.
Zumr V., Starý P. (1992) Field experiments with different attractants in baited pitfall traps for Hylobius abietis L. (Col., Curculionidae). J. Appl. Ent. 113: 451-455.
Zumr V., Starý P. (1992) The occurrence of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.), in individual forest zones. Forest Ecol. Manag. 51: 251-258.
Starý P. (1991) Philadelphus coronarius L. as a reservoir of aphids and parasitoids. J. Appl. Ent. 112: 1-10.
Starý P., González D. (1991) The chenopodium aphid, Hayhurstia atriplicis (L.) (Hom., Aphididae), a parasitoid reservoir and a source of biocontrol agents in pest management. J. Appl. Ent. 111: 243-248.
Starý P., Havelka J. (1991) Macrosiphum albifrons Essig. an invasive lupin aphid and its natural enemy complex in Czechoslovakia (Homoptera, Aphididae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 88: 111-120.
Starý P., Stechmann D. (1991) Niche distribution and dispersal of the banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa, in relation to parasitization by biocontrol agents (Hom., Aphididae; Hym., Aphidiidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 88: 187-195.
Zumr V., Starý P. (1991) Effects of baited pitfall traps (Hylobius abietis L.) on non-target forest insects. J. Appl. Ent. 112: 525-530.
Němec V., Starý P. (1990) Sugars in honeydew. Biológia (Bratislava) 45: 259-264.
Petrović O., Ljubičic V., Starý P., Šimic S. (1990) Aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae), their parasites (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) and predators (Diptera, Syrphidae) on cereals in Serbia. In: Proc. XXth Yugoslav. Entomol. Meeting, Pula 1990. Pp. 12 (Abstract).
Starý P. (1990) Trioxys brevicornis, a new parasitoid and potential biocontrol agent of the asparagus aphid, Brachycorynella asparagi (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae, Homoptera, Aphidoidea). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 87: 87-96.
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