Vzpomínka na parazitologa Jamese H. Olivera, Jr.
Ve středu 18. července odešel renomovaný parazitolog, náš spolupracovník a držitel titulu Doctor Honoris Causa z Jihočeské univerzity, James Henry Oliver, Jr., Dr. h.c. Zemřel po dlouhé těžké nemoci ve věku 87 let. Za svůj mimořádný přínos v parazitologii obdržel v roce 2004 čestnou medaili Gregora Johana Mendela za Zásluhy v biologických vědách od Akademie věd České republiky. "Jim byl bojovník a mimořádně vzácný člověk. Je pro nás velmi těžké tuto smutnou zprávu přijmout," vyjadřuje soustrast ředitel Biologického centra Libor Grubhoffer.
Vzpomínka od Dr. Daniela V. Hagana, PhD.
James “Jim” Henry Oliver Jr., Calloway Professor of Biology Emeritus of Georgia Southern University, passed away today, July 18 after long illness. Born in Augusta, Georgia, on March 10, 1931, Jim was raised in Waynesboro, GA. He earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology from Georgia Southern University (then Georgia Teachers College) and a Master of Arts in Parasitology. Jim served in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps at Fort Detrick, Maryland, before acquiring a PhD. in Entomology from the University of Kansas. He was a postdoctoral fellow in Cytogenetics at Melbourne University, Australia.
Dr. James Henry Oliver Jr.
Jim worked as an Assistant Professor at the University of California’s Department of Entomology and Parasitology, Berkeley, CA; as an Associate Professor at the University of Georgia’s Department of Entomology, Athens, GA; and as a Calloway Professor at Georgia Southern University’s Department of Biology, Statesboro, GA. As director of Georgia Southern University’s Institute of Arthropodology and Parasitology, he was instrumental in bringing the U.S. National Tick Collection to Georgia Southern University. He visited and lectured at laboratories and universities in twenty-five countries. He consulted for the U.S. Navy Medical Research Unit in Cairo, Egypt; for the U.S. Army 406 Medical Lab at Camp Zama Hospital, Japan; and for the C.S.I.R.O. Entomology Research Labs in Brisbane, Australia. He spent time as a visiting professor at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, and at Mie University in Tsu, Japan.
James advised over sixty postgraduate and post-doctorate students from fifteen countries. Publishing over 250 scientific papers and 14 book chapters, he received numerous honors and awards for his research. He served as president of such organizations as the Entomological Society of America and the Southeastern Society of Parasitologists. A Will Watt and Paul Harris Fellow, Jim was a longtime member of Rotary International.
Some of Jim's honors and awards include:
President, Entomological Society of America (1989-90); Entomological Society of America, Founders Memorial Award Lecturer; President, Acarological Society of America; President, Southeastern Society of Parasitologists; Secretary and subsequent Chairman of Medical-Veterinary Section of Entomological Society of America; Bussart Award and Outstanding Teacher Award of Southeastern Branch of Entomological Society of America; Meritorious Service Award of Southeastern Society of Parasitologists; President of Georgia Entomological Society; Founder of the Georgia Entomological Society; Fellow of the Entomological Society of America; Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member, lnternational Executive Committee of International Congresses of Acarology; Shinshu University Medical School (Japan) Medal and Citation; Nagoya University Medical School (Japan) Medal; Mie University (Japan) Medal; Shanghai Medical University (China) Medal; Entomological Society Beijing (China) Medal; First recipient of SOTAB (Georgia State of the Art in Biology); Georgia Biologist of the Year Award (1988); Will Watt Fellow (Georgia Rotary Student Program); Phi Kappa Phi Triennial National Scholar Award (1989); John Eidson Lifetime Achievement Award (1990); Honorary Member Entomological Soc. of China (1990); Honorary Gold Medal of Achievement from Warsaw Agricultural University (Poland, 1991); Taiwan, ROC, National Science Council Distinguished Lectureship (1992); Member of Council for International Congresses of Entomology (1992-2000). Hoogstraal Medal for Achievements in Medical Entomology (ACME. American Society Tropical Medicine & Hygiene -1992).
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Daniel V. Hagan, Ph.D.