Datum: 23.03.2016
PhD in Protist Functional Genomics
PhD in Protist Functional Genomics
will be available at the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre and University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, starting in summer/autumn 2016 (and possibly also in winter 2016/2017).
The project is part of a long-term research on trypanosomes, diplonemids and related flagellates in our laboratory (for more information see: http://www.paru.cas.cz/en/section/molecular-parasitology/laboratory-of-molecular-biology-of-protists/). The lab is highly international, and we have just moved into newly build facilities.
The successful candidate is expected to have a diploma/MSc degree in molecular and/or cell biology and high motivation. Please send cover letter and CV to Julius Lukeš (jula@paru.cas.cz).