Mgr. Václav Hönig, Ph.D.
Vědecký pracovník - Laboratoř arbovirologie
Přenašeči onemocnění a patogeny
Parazitologický ústav
+420 387775145
Eko-epidemiologie zejména vektory přenášených zoonotických nákaz (virus klíšťové encefalitidy a jiné flaviviry, hantaviry, spirochéty Lymeské boreliozy...), ekologie vektorů infekčních onemocnění, interakce patogen-vektor-hostitel na buněčné, organizmální, populační úrovni, SARS-CoV-2. Education 2015: University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Parasitology, Ph.D. (Parasitology) 2007: Masaryk University, Brno, Faculty of Biological Science, M.Sc. (General Biology – Microbiology) 2005: University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences, B.Sc. (Biology & Biomedical Laboratory Techniques) Other education, courses, trainings, qualifications - certificate of professional competence to design experiments and experimental projects under the Section 15d (3) of Act No 246/1992 Coll., on the Protection of Animals against Cruelty – experimental animal handling - PREFEKT – Systemic complex education of R&D scientists in management and administration - responsible person for the management of Hazardous and Highly Hazardous Biological Agents and Toxins (Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2020-present) Professional Experience 2016 - present Postdoctoral Scientist, Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice, Czech Republic & Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic 2020 Core member of the COVID-19 diagnostic team, Biology Centre AS CR 2011-2016 Head of R & D department, project manager, GEN-TREND, s. r. o., Czech Republic 2008-2012 Research Assistant, Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2009-2011 Research Assistant, University of South Bohemia, Faculty Science Stays Abroad 2009 Laboratory of Eco-Epidemiology of Parasites, Institute of Biology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland 2009 Institute of Applied Statistic, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria; AKTION scholarship 2009, 2010 several shorter visits, Institute of Comparative Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich Teaching Activities Reviewer for scientific journals and research funding bodies Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Eurosurveillance, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, Epidemiology and Infection, Slovak Research and Development Agency etc. Research focus ecology, eco-epidemiology and molecular epidemiology of zoonotic vector-borne and rodent-borne diseases caused by viral and bacterial agents; ecology of ticks; detection and identification of pathogens using molecular biology methods; pathogen-vector-host interactions; flaviviruses, alphaviruses, hantaviruses, coronaviruses Specific skills and methods molecular biology-based detection and typisation methods (PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, SSCP, RLB, sequencing), Luminex - MagPix technology work with laboratory and wild rodents, birds, work with infectious agents – BSL2, BSL3, basic method in statistics, experience with GIS and spatial modeling, bioinformatics and web design Participation in recent relevant research projects Team member: Ticks and tick borne infectious diseases in the conditions of South Bohemia and Bavaria; Ziel 3; European Development Fund of the European Union; University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science AKTION 53p19; Spatial mapping of ticks and tick-borne infectious diseases of the region of South Bohemia and Upper Austria; Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic; University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science Innovation of a diagnostic product – enhancement of the method of detection of periodontal pathogens; The Enterprises and Innovations Operational Programme – Innovations; Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; GEN-TREND s. r. o. Czech-Austrian Center for Supracellular Medical Research; INTERREG – Austria – Czech Republic; European research and development fund; Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Parasitology Role of urban wildlife in circulation of vector-borne zoonotic pathogens with emphasis on Anaplasma phagocytophilum; Czech Science Foundation; Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Parasitology Neurovascular unit cells interactions leading to the blood-brain barrier breakdown during tickborne encephalitis; Czech Science Foundation; Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Parasitology Molecular mechanisms of tick-borne encephalitis pathogenesis; Czech Science Foundation; Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Parasitology PI or Co-PI: Development, extension and support of collections of biological material and support of their use in applied research and technology, ROZE – Strategy AV21, Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Parasitology Methodological platform for rapid reaction against viral pandemics: methods of diagnostics and treatment of COVID-19, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Biology Centre AS CR National Centre of Competence MATCA: Materials, Advanced Technologies, Coatings and their Applications: project COVID-19, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Biology Centre AS CR PRAGMATICK: Prevention, anticipation and mitigation of tick-borne disease risk applying the DAMA protocol; COST Action; 2022-2026; Biology Centre AS CR, České Budějovice; work group co-leader Tick-borne bacterial diseases in urban environments - where does the real danger lurk?; Czech Health Research Council; 2023-2026; Biology Centre AS CR, České Budějovice; PI Selected Publications in journals with impact factor Total of 31 publications in journals with IF, h-index 14, 613 citations (in Scopus). Applied research output

Celkem nalezeno: 37 záznamů
Beránková M.,
Holoubek J., Hönig V., Matúšová Z.,
Palus M.,
Salát J., Krayem I., Vojtíšková J. , Svoboda P.,
Prančlová V., Valihrach L., Demant P., Lipoldová M.,
Růžek D. (2025) Genotype-driven sensitivity of mice to tick-borne encephalitis virus correlates with differential host responses in peripheral macrophages and brain Journal of Neuroinflammation
22: 22.
DOI: 10.1186/s12974-025-03354-1 |
Kulmann M.I.R., Taborska E., Benköova B.,
Palus M., Drobek A., Horvat F., Pasulka J., Malik R., Salyova E., Hönig V., Pellerova M., Borsanyiova M.,
Nedvědová L., Štěpánek O., Bopegamage S.,
Růžek D., Svoboda P. (2025) Enhanced RNAi does not provide efficient innate antiviral immunity in mice Nucleic Acids Research
53: gkae1288.
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkae1288 |
Prančlová V., Hönig V.,
Zemanová M.,
Růžek D.,
Palus M. (2024) Robust CXCL10/IP-10 and CCL5/RANTES production induced by tick-borne Encephalitis virus in human brain pericytes despite weak infection International Journal of Molecular Sciences
25: 7892.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms25147892 |
Prančlová V.,
Nedvědová L.,
Kotounová E., Hönig V.,
Dvořáková M.,
Davídková M.,
Bílý T.,
Vancová M.,
Růžek D.,
Palus M. (2024) Unraveling the role of human microglia in tick-borne encephalitis virus infection: insights into neuroinflammation and viral pathogenesis Microbes and Infection
26: 105383.
DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2024.105383 |
Bianchini F., Crivelli V., Abernathy M.E., Guerra C.,
Palus M., Muri J., Marcotte H., Piralla A., Pedotti M. , de Gasparo R., Simonelli L., Matkovic M., Toscano C., Biggiogero M., Calvaruso V.,
Svoboda P., Cervantes Rincón T., Fava T., Podešvová L., Shanbhag A.A., Celoria A., Sgrignani J., Štefánik M., Hönig V.,
Prančlová V., Michalcikova T., Procházka J., Guerrini G., Mehn D., Ciabattini A., Abolhassani H., Jarrossay D., Uguccioni M., Medaglini D., Pan-Hammarström Q., Calzolai L., Fernandez D. , Baldanti F., Franzetti-Pellanda A., Garzoni C., Sedlacek R.,
Růžek D., Varani L., Cavalli A., Barnes C.O., Robbiani D.F. (2023) Human neutralizing antibodies to cold linear epitopes and subdomain 1 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein Science Immunology
8: eade0958.
DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.ade0958 |
Fořtová A., Hönig V.,
Salát J.,
Palus M., Pýchová M., Krbková L., Barkhash A.V., Kříha M.F., Chrdle A., Lipoldová M.,
Růžek D. (2023) Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as a biomarker in paediatric and adult tick-borne encephalitis patients Virus Research
324: 199020.
DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2022.199020 |
Kevély Á.,
Prančlová V., Sláviková M.,
Haviernik J., Hönig V., Nováková E.,
Palus M.,
Růžek D., Klempa B., Koči J. (2023) Fitness of mCherry reporter tick-borne encephalitis virus in tick experimental models Viruses-Basel
14: 2673.
DOI: 10.3390/v14122673 |
Lesiczka P.M., Hrazdilová K., Hönig V.,
Modrý D., Žůrek L. (2023) Distant genetic variants of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from Ixodes ricinus attached to people Parasites and Vectors
16: 80.
DOI: 10.1186/s13071-023-05654-y |
Pilipenco A., Forinová M., Mašková H., Hönig V.,
Palus M., Scott L.N., Víšová I., Vrabcová M., Houska M., Anthi J., Spasovová M., Mustacová J.,
Štěrba J., Dostálek J., Tung C.P., Yang A.S., Jack R., Dejneka A., Hajdu J., Vaisocherová-Lísalová H. (2023) Negligible risk of surface transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in public transportation Journal of Travel Medicine
30: taad065.
DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taad065 |
Fořtová A., Hönig V.,
Palus M.,
Salát J., Pýchová M., Krbková L.,
Vyhlídalová T., Kříha M.F., Chrdle A.,
Růžek D. (2022) Serum and cerebrospinal fluid phosphorylated neurofilament heavy subunit as a marker of neuroaxonal damage in tick-borne encephalitis Journal of General Virology
103: 1743.
DOI: 10.1099/jgv.0.001743 |
Hönig V.,
Kamiš J., Maršíková A., Matějková T., Stopka P.,
Mácová A.,
Růžek D., Kvičerová J. (2022) Orthohantaviruses in reservoir and atypical hosts in the Czech Republic: spillover infection and indication of virus-specific tissue tropism Microbiology Spectrum
10: 5.
DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.01306-22 |
Kovacech B., Fialova L., Filipcik P., Skrabana R., Zilkova M., Paulenka-Ivanovova N., Kovac A., Palova D., Paulikova Rolkova G., Tomkova K., Turic Csokova N., Markova K., Skrabanova M., Sinska K., Basheer N., Majerova P., Hanes J., Parrak V., Prcina M., Cehlar O., Cente M., Piestansky J., Fresser M., Novák M., Sláviková M., Borsova K., Cabanova V., Brejová B., Vinař T., Nosek J., Klempa B.,
Eyer L., Hönig V.,
Palus M.,
Růžek D.,
Vyhlídalová T.,
Straková P., Mrazkova B., Zudova D., Koubkova G,, Novosadova V., Procházka J., Sedlacek R., Zilka N., Kontsekova E. (2022) Monoclonal antibodies targeting two immunodominant epitopes on the Spike protein neutralize emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern Ebiomedicine
76: 103818.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.103818 |
Migné C.V., Hönig V., Bonnet S.I.,
Palus M., Rakotobe S., Galon C., Heckmann A.,
Výletová E., Devillers E., Attoui H.,
Růžek D., Moutailler S. (2022) Evaluation of two artificial infection methods of live ticks as tools for studying interactions between tick-borne viruses and their tick vectors Scientific Reports
12: 491.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-04498-9 |
Agudelo M.,
Palus M., Keeffe J., Bianchini F., Svoboda P.,
Salát J., Peace A., Gazumyan A., Cipolla M., Kapoor T., Guidetti F., Yao K.H.,
Elsterová J., Teislerová D., Chrdle A., Hönig V., Oliveira T., West A.P., Lee Y.E., Rice C.M., MacDonald M.R., Bjorkman P.J.,
Růžek D., Robbiani D.F., Nussenzweig M.C. (2021) Broad and potent neutralizing human antibodies to tick-borne flaviviruses protect mice from disease. Journal of Experimental Medicine
218: e20210236.
DOI: 10.1084/jem.20210236 |
Beliavskaia A., Hönig V.,
Erhart J.,
Vyhlídalová T.,
Palus M., Černý J., Kozlova I.,
Růžek D., Palomar A.M., Bell-Sakyi L. (2021) Spiroplasma Isolated From Third-Generation Laboratory Colony Ixodes persulcatus Ticks. Frontiers in Veterinary Science
8: 659786.
DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.659786 |
de Gasparo R., Pedotti M., Simonelli L., Nickl P., Mueckschh F., Cassaniti I., Percivalle E., Lorenzi J.C.C., Mazzola F., Magrì D., Michalcikova T.,
Haviernik J., Hönig V., Mrazkova B., Polakova N., Fortova A., Tureckova J., Iatsiuk V., Di Girolamoa S.,
Palus M., Zudova D., Bednar P., Bukova I., Bianchini F., Mehni D., Nencka R.,
Straková P., Pavlis O., Rozman J., Gioria S., Sammartino J.C., Giardina F., Gaiarsak S., Hammarström Q.P., Barnes C.O., Bjorkmann P.J., Calzola L., Piralla A., Baldanti F., Nussenzweig M.C., Bieniasz P.D., Hatziioannouh T., Procházka J., Sedlacek R., Robbiani D.F.,
Růžek D., Varani L. (2021) Bispecific antibody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 variants, protects mice from disease and prevents escape Nature
593: 424–428.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03461-y |
Forinová M., Pilipenco A., Víšová I., Lynn N.S., Dostálek J.,
Mašková H., Hönig V.,
Palus M.,
Selinger M., Kočová P., Dycka F., Štěrba J., Houska M., Vrabcová M., Horak P., Anthi J., Tung C.P., Yu C.M., Chen C.Y., Huang Y.C., Tsai P.H., Lin S.Y., Hsu H.J., Yang A.S., Dejneka A., Vaisocherová-Lísalová H. (2021) Functionalized terpolymer-brush-based biointerface with improved antifouling properties for ultra-sensitive direct detection of virus in crude clinical samples ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
50: 60612–60624.
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c16930 |
Lesiczka P.M., Hrazdilová K.,
Majerová K., Fonville M., Sprong H., Hönig V., Hofmannová L., Papežík P. ,
Růžek D., Zurek L.,
Votýpka J.,
Modrý D. (2021) The Role of Peridomestic Animals in the Eco-Epidemiology of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Microbial Ecology
82: 602–612.
DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01704-z Dokumenty ke stažení: Lesiczka_2021_MicrobEcology (pdf) |
Majerová K., Gutiérrez R., Fonville M., Hönig V., Papežík P. , Hofmannová L., Lesiczka P.M., Nachum-Biala Y.,
Růžek D., Sprong H., Harrus S.,
Modrý D.,
Votýpka J. (2021) Hedgehogs and Squirrels as Hosts of Zoonotic Bartonella Species Pathogens
10: 686.
DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10060686 Dokumenty ke stažení: Majerova_2021_Pathogens (pdf) |
Modrý D., Hofmannová L., Papežík P. ,
Majerová K.,
Votýpka J., Hönig V.,
Růžek D., Hrazdilová K. (2021) Hepatozoon in Eurasian red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris, its taxonomic identity, and phylogenetic placement Parasitology Research
120: 2989-2993.
DOI: 10.1007/s00436-021-07229-1 Dokumenty ke stažení: Modry_2021_ParRes (pdf) |