Anna Kellerová
Laborantka - Laboratoř půdní organické hmoty
Sekce Biogeochemie
Ústav půdní biologie a biogeochemie
+420 38 777 5785

Celkem nalezeno: 2 záznamů
Kellerová A.,
Jílková V. (2025) Short-term effects of microbial exopolysaccharides and chicken feather hydrolysate vs. long-term effects of plant-derived biochar on temperate, coarse-textured agricultural soils Soil Use and Management
41: Article number e70029.
DOI: 10.1111/sum.70029 |
Kellerová A.,
Angst G.,
Jílková V. (2024) Earthworms facilitate stabilization of both more-available maize biomass and more-recalcitrant maize biochar on mineral particles in an agricultural soil Soil Biology and Biochemistry
189: Article number 109278.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109278 |