HR Excellence in Science

MSc. Sylvain Delabye, Ph.D.

Pracovní zařazení Vědecký pracovník - laboratoř ekologie společenstev
Oddělení ekologie
Entomologický ústav

Kontaktní údaje +420 387775037


Biodiverzita a ekologie afrotropických motýlů (Lepidoptera)
Patrnosti biodiverzity podél ekologických gradientů.

Celkem nalezeno: 16 záznamů
Gaona F., Delabye S., Potocký P., Govorov V., Čuda J., Foxcroft L.C., Garlacz R., Hejda M., MacFadyen S., Pyrcz T., Pyšková K., Sedláček O., Storch D., Pyšek P., Tropek R. (2025) Climate-Driven Vegetation Characteristics Shape Phytophagous and Carnivorous Insect Diversity in South African Savannahs. Journal of Biogeography Early View: DOI: 10.1111/jbi.15076
Ustjuzhanin P., Kovtunovich V., Delabye S., Maicher V., Sáfián Sz., Fokam E., Tropek R. (2025) Plume moths (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae) of a recently discovered lepidopteran diversity hotspot in the Mount Cameroon area, with descriptions of four new species Zookeys in press.
Ustjuzhanin P., Kovtunovich V., Delabye S., Maicher V., Sáfián Sz., Streltzov A., Tropek R. (2024) Magnifying the hotspot: Description of nine new species of many-plumed moths (Lepidoptera, Alucitidae), with an identification key to all species known from Cameroon Zookeys 1193: 25-48.
Langridge J., Delabye S., Gilg O., Paillet Y., Reyjol Y., Sordello R., Touroult J., Gosselin F. (2023) Biodiversity responses to forest management abandonment in boreal and temperate forest ecosystems: A meta-analysis reveals an interactive effect of time since abandonment and climate. Biological Conservation 287: article number: 110296 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110296
Papandreou F., Hodeček J., Maicher V., Delabye S., Pyrcz T., Tropek R. (2023) Larger insects in a colder environment? Elevational and seasonal intraspecific differences in tropical moth sizes on Mount Cameroon Journal of Tropical Ecology 39: e4.
DOI: 10.1017/S0266467422000463
Delabye S., Potocký P., Foxcroft L.C., Halamová P., Hejda M., MacFadyen S., Pyšková K., Sedláček O., Staňková M., Storch D., Pyšek P., Tropek R. (2022) Thirteen moth species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Noctuidae) newly recorded in South Africa, with comments on their distribution Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e89729.
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.10.e89729
Delabye S., Storch D., Sedláček O., Albrecht T., Hořák D., Maicher V., Tószögyová A., Tropek R. (2022) Moth diversity increases along a continent-wide gradient of environmental productivity in South African savannahs Insects 13: 778.
DOI: 10.3390/insects13090778
Liang J., Gamarra JGP, Picard N., Zhou M., Pijanowski B., Jacobs D.F., Reich P.B., Crowther T.W., Nabuurs G.J., de-Miguel S., Fang J., Woodall C.W., Svenning J.C., Jucker T., Bastin J.F., Wiser S.K., Slik F., Herault B., Alberti G., Keppel G., Hengeveld G.M., Ibisch P.L., Silva C.A., ter Steege H.H., Peri P.L., Coomes D.A., Searle E.B., von Gadow K., Jaroszewicz B., Abbasi A.O., Abegg M., Adou-Yao Y.C., Aguirre-Gutiérrez J., Almeyda-Zambrano A.M., Altman J., Alvarez-Dávila E., Álvarez-González J.G., Alves L.F., Amani B.H.K., Amani C.A., Ammer C., Angoboy-Ilondea B., Antón-Fernández C., Avitabile V., Aymard G.A., Azihou A.F., Baard J.A., Baker T.R., Balazy R., Bastian M.L., Batumike R., Bauters M., Beeckman H., Benu N.M.H., Bitariho R., Boeckx P., Bogaert J., Bongers F., Bouriaud O., Brancalion P.H.S., Brandl S., Brearley F.Q., Briseno-Reyes J., Broadbent E.N., Bruelheide H., Bulte E., Catlin A.C., Cazzolla-Gatti R., César R.G., Chen H.Y.H., Chisholm C., Cienciala E., Colletta G.D., Corral-Rivas J.J., Cuchietti A., Cuni-Sanchez A., Dar J.A., Dayanandan S., de Haulleville T., Decuyper M., Delabye S., Derroire G., DeVries B., Diisi J., Do T.V., Doležal J., Dourdain A., Durrheim G.P., Engone-Obiang N.L., Ewango C.E.N., Eyre T.J., Fayle T. M., Feunang L.F.N., Finer L., Fischer M., Fridman J., Frizzera L., de Gasper A.L., Gianelle D., Glick H.B., Gonzalez-Elizondo M.S., Gorenstein L., Habonayo R., Hardy O.J., Harris D.J., Hector A., Hemp A., Herold M., Hillers A., Hubau W., Ibanez T., Imai N., Imani G., Jagodzinski A.M., Janeček Š., Johannsen V.K., Joly C.A., Jumbam B., Kabelong B.L.P.R., Kahsay G.A., Karminov V., Kartawinata K., Kassi J.N., Kearsley E., Kennard D.K., Kepfer-Rojas S., Khan M.L., Kigomo J.N., Kim H.S., Klauberg K., Klomberg Y., Korjus H., Kothandaraman S., Kraxner F., Kumar A., Kuswandi R., Lang M., Lawes M.J., Leite R.V., Lentner G., Lewis S.L., Libalah M.B., Lisingo J., López-Serrano P.M., Lu H., Lukina N.V., Lykke A.M., Maitner B.S., Maicher V., Marcon E., Marshall A.R., Martin E.H., Martynenko O., Mbayu F.M., Mbuvi M.T.E., Meave J.A., Merow C., Miscicki S., Moreno V.S., Morera A., Mukul S.A., Müller J.C., Murdjoko A., Nava-Miranda M.G., Ndive L.E., Neldner V.J., Nevenic R.V., Nforbelie L.N., Ngoh M.L., N’Guessan A.E., Ngugi M.R., Ngute A.S.K., Njila E.N.N., Nyako M.C., Ochuodho T.O., Oleksyn J., Paquette A., Parfenova E.I., Park M., Parren M., Parthasarathy N., Pfautsch S., Phillips O.L., Piedade M.T.F., Pijanowski B.C., Piotto D., Pollastrini M., Poorter L., Poulsen J.R., Poulsen A.D., Pretzsch H., Rodeghiero M., Rolim S.G., Rovero F., Rutishauser E., Sagheb-Talebi K., Saikia P., Sainge M.N., Salas-Eljatib C., Salis A., Schall P., Schepaschenko D., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schmid B., Schöngart J., Šebeň V., Sellan G., Selvi F., Serra-Diaz J.M., Sheil D., Shvidenko A.Z., Sist P., Souza A.F., Stereńczak K.J., Sullivan M.J.P., Sundarapandian S., Svoboda M., Swaine M.D., Targhetta N., Tchebakova N., Trethowan L.A., Tropek R., Tshibamba-Mukendi J., Umunay P.M., Usoltsev V.A., Vaglio-Laurin G., Valentini R., Valladares F., van der Plas F., Vega-Nieva D.J., Verbeeck H., Viana H., Vibrans A.C., Vieira S.A., Vleminckx J., Waite C.E., Wang H.F., Wasingya E.K., Wekesa C., Westerlund B., Wittmann F., Wortel V., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T., Zhang C., Zhao X., Zhu J., Zhu X., Zhu Z.X., Zo-Bi I.C., Hui C. (2022) Co-limitation toward lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6: 1423-1437.
DOI: 10.1038/s41559-022-01831-x
Delabye S., Maicher V., Sáfián S., Doležal J., Altman J. , Janeček Š., Kobe I.N., Murkwe M., Šebek P., Tropek R. (2021) Butterfly and moth communities differ in their response to habitat structure in rainforests of Mount Cameroon. Biotropica 53: 567-580.
DOI: 10.1111/btp.12900
Mertens J., Brisson L., Janeček Š., Klomberg Y., Maicher V., Sáfián S., Delabye S., Potocký P., Kobe I.N., Pyrcz T., Tropek R. (2021) Elevational and seasonal patterns of butterflies and hawkmoths in plant-pollinator networks in tropical rainforests of Mount Cameroon. Scientific Reports 11: 9710.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89012-x
Delabye S., Maicher V., Sáfián S., Potocký P., Mertens J., Przybylowicz L., Murkwe M., Kobe I.N., Fokam E., Janeček Š., Tropek R. (2020) First records of 31 species of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) in Cameroon, with remarks on their elevational ranges. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e50543.
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e50543
Delabye S., Sedláček O., Maicher V., Tropek R. (2020) New records of six moth (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Lasiocampidae) species in south African countries, with comments on their distribution. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e59339.
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e59339
Maicher V., Delabye S., Murkwe M., Doležal J., Altman J., Kobe I.N., Desmist J., Fokam E., Pyrcz T., Tropek R. (2020) Effects of disturbances by forest elephants on diversity of trees and insects in tropical rainforests on Mount Cameroon. Scientific Reports 10: 21618.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78659-7
Maicher V., Sáfián S., Murkwe M., Delabye S., Przybylowicz L., Potocký P., Kobe I.N., Janeček Š., Mertens J., Fokam E., Pyrcz T., Doležal J., Altman J. , Hořák D., Fiedler K., Tropek R. (2020) Seasonal shifts of biodiversity patterns and species’ elevation ranges of butterflies and moths along a complete rainforest elevational gradient on Mount Cameroon. Journal of Biogeography 47: 342-354.
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13740
Ustjuzhanin P., Kovtunovich V., Maicher V., Sáfián S., Delabye S., Streltzov A., Tropek R. (2020) Even hotter hotspot: description of seven new species of many-plumed moths (Lepidoptera, Alucitidae) from Mount Cameroon. ZooKeys issue 935: 103-119.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.935.49843
Delabye S., Rougerie R., Bayendi S., Andeime-Eyene M., Zakharov E.V., deWaard J.R., Hebert P., Kamgang R., Le Gall P., Lopez-Vaamonde C., Mavoungou J.F., Moussavou G., Moulin N., Oslisly R., Rahola N., Sebag D., Decaëns T. (2019) Characterization and comparison of poorly known moth communities through DNA barcoding in two Afrotropical environments in Gabon. Genome 62: 96-107.
DOI: 10.1139/gen-2018-0063


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