HR Excellence in Science
Total found: 165 records
Konvička M., Fric Z. (2001) Hmyz starých stromů. Živa 2001: 79-82.
Fric Z., Beneš J. (2000) Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Klapalekiana 36: 322.
Fric Z., Hůla V., Konvička M., Pavlíčko A. (2000) A note on recent distribution of Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Czech Republic. Atalanta 31: 453-454..
Fric Z., Konvička M. (2000) Adult population structure and behaviour of two seasonal generations of the European Map Butterfly, Araschnia levana, species with seasonal polyphenism (Nymphalidae). Nota lepid. 23: 2-25..
Hůla V., Fric Z., Pavlíčko A. (2000) Bělásek ovocný na Sokolovsku. Živa 48: 281-282.


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