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Total found: 227 records
Kopáček J., Borovec J., Hejzlar J., Ulrich K., Norton S., Amirbahman A. (2005) Aluminum control of phosphorus sorption by lake sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 8784–8789..
Kopáček J., Klementová Š., Norton S. (2005) Photochemical production of ionic and particulate aluminum and iron in lakes. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 3656–3662..
Kopáček J., Stuchlík E., Wright R. (2005) Long-term trends and spatial variability in nitrate leaching from alpine catchment–lake ecosystems in the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia–Poland). Environmental Pollution 136: 89–101..
Kopáček J., Veselý J. (2005) Sulfur and nitrogen emissions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 1850 till 2000. Atmospheric Environment 39: 2179–2188..
Veselý J., Majer V., Kopáček J., Šafanda J., Norton S. (2005) Increasing silicon concentrations in Bohemian Forest lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 9: 699–706..
Wright R., Larssen T., Camarero L., Cosby B., Ferrier R., Helliwell R., Forsius M., Jenkins A., Kopáček J., Majer V., Moldan F., Posch M., Rogora M., Schöpp W. (2005) Recovery of acidified European surface waters. Environmental Science & Technology 39: 64A–72A..
Znachor P., Vrba J., Nedoma J., Kopáček J. (2005) Bacterial and phytoplankton responses to nutrient and pH changes during short term in situ experiments in two acidified lakes. Algological Studies 115: 79–99..
Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Dobiášová B., Žaloudík J. (2004) Uplatnění ekohydrolo-gických principů při řízení zemědělsky využívaného povodí podle rámcové vodní směrnice EU (2000/60/EU) [Application of ecohydrological principles in the management of an agricultural catchment according to the EC Water Framework Direc Collection of Scientific Papers, Faculty of Agriculture in České Budějovice, Series for Crop Sciences 21 261–264..
Kopáček J., Brzáková M., Hejzlar J., Nedoma J., Porcal P., Vrba J. (2004) Nutrient cycling in a strongly acidified mesotrophic lake. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 1202–1213..
Kopáček J., Hardekopf D., Majer V., Pšenáková P., Stuchlík E., Veselý J. (2004) Response of alpine lakes and soils to changes in acid deposition: the MAGIC model applied to the Tatra Mountain region, Slovakia-Poland. Journal of Limnology 63: 143–156..
Kopáček J., Kaňa J., Šantrůčková H., Pîcek T., Stuchlík E. (2004) Chemical and biochemical characteristics of alpine soils in the Tatra Mountains and their correlation with lake water quality. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 153: 307–327..
Porcal P., Hejzlar J., Kopáček J. (2004) Seasonal and photochemical changes of DOM in an acidified forest lake and its tributaries. Aquatic Sciences 66: 211–222..
Šantrůčková H., Vrba J., Pîcek T., Kopáček J. (2004) Soil biochemical activity and phosphorus transformations and losses from acidified forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36: 1569–1576..
Veselý J., Majer V., Kopáček J. (2004) Vliv oteplování na chemizmus vod šumavských jezer [Climate warming and chemistry of the Bohemian Forest lakes]. In: Dvořák, L., Šustr, P. (eds.), Sborník konference Aktuality šumavského výzkumu II. Srní, October 4–7, 2004, Správa NP a CHKO Šumava:pp. 95–96.
Vrba J., Fott J., Kohout L., Kopáček J. (2004) Současné zotavování acidifi-kovaných jezer na Šumavě [Recent recovery of acidified lakes in the Bohemian Forest]. In: Dvořák, L., Šustr, P. (eds.), Sborník konference Aktuality šumavského výzkumu II. Srní, October 4–7, 2004, Správa NP a CHKO Šumava:pp. 99–103.
Hejzlar J., Kopáček J., Porcal P., Haider Z. (2003) Příčiny dlouhodobého nárůstu koncentrace organických látek v nádrži Římov [Causes of long-term increase in concentrations of dissolved organic matter in Římov reservoir]. In: Ambrožová, J. (ed.), 19. seminář Aktuální otázky vodárenské biologie, Praha, February 5–6, 2003, Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, Chrudim, pp. 209–213. ISBN 80–903203–1–7.
Jenkins A., Camarero L., Cosby B., Ferrier R., Forsius M., Helliwell R., Kopáček J., Majer V., Moldan F., Posch M., Rogora M., Schöpp W., Wright R. (2003) A modelling assessment of acidification andrecovery of European surface waters. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7: 447–455..
Kettle H., Kopáček J., Hejzlar J. (2003) Modelling air temperature at Čertovo Lake back to 1781. Silva Gabreta 9: 15–32..
Kopáček J., Brzáková M., Hejzlar J., Kaňa J., Porcal P., Vrba J. (2003) Mass balance of nutrients and major solutes in the Plešné watershed-lake ecosystem in the 2001 hydrological year. Silva Gabreta 9: 33–52..
Kopáček J., Cosby B., Majer V., Stuchlík E., Veselý J. (2003) Modelling reversibility of central European mountain lakes from acidification: Part II – the Tatra Mountains. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 7: 510–524..
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