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Total found: 15102 records
Starý P. (1964) Biological control of Megoura viciae Bakt. in Czechoslovakia. Acta Soc. ent. Czechoslov. 61: 301-322.
Starý P. (1964) The foci of aphid parasites (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) in nature. Ekol. Polska A 12: 529-554.
Starý P., Rupais A. (1964) New data on aphid parasites in the Baltic region. Uzv. An Latv. SSR 8 (205): 61-68. (In Rus.)
Vaňková J. (1964) Bacillus thuringiensis in praktischer Anwendung. Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes (1962, Paris), pp. 271-291.
Veber J. (1964) Virulence of an insect virus increased by repeated passages. Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes (Paris, 1962), 403-405.
Veber J., Jasič J. (1964) Die Polyedrose der Kohleule (Mamestra brassicae L.). Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes (Paris, 1962), 67-75.
Weiser J. (1964) Sumary of biological control of insect vectors. Seminar on Vector Control, WHO, 1962, 1964.
Weiser J. (1964) Protozoonosen und Nematodenbefall bei Insekten. Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes (Paris, 1962), 67-75.
Weiser J. (1964) Infektiosität der Kokzidien für Insekten. Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes (Paris, 1962), 105-107.
Weiser J. (1964) Problemes de controle biologique des insectes vecteurs. Ann. Parasitol. 39: 211-219.
Weiser J. (1964) Prirodzeni neprijatelia spriadače amerického. In: Jasič et al., Spriadač americký. [Natural enemies of the fall webworm]. Slovak Acad. Publ., 169-209.
Weiser J. (1964) On the taxonomic position of the genus Encephalitozoon Levaditi et al. 1923, (Protozoa, Microsporidia). Parasitology 54: 746-751.
Weiser J. (1964) The taxonomic posítion of Helicosporidium parasiticum Keilin 1921. J. Protozool. Suppl. 11: 112.
Weiser J. (1964) Parasitology of blackflies. Bull. WHO 31: 483-5.
Weiser J. (1964) In Honigberg B.M., Balamuth W., Bovee E.C., Corliss J.O., Gojdics M., Hall R.P., Kudo R.R., Levine N.D., Loeblich A.R., Weiser J., Wenrich D.H.: A revized classification of the Phylum Protozoa. J. Protozool. 11: 7-20.
Weiser J., Coluzzi M. (1964) Plistophora culisetae n. sp., a new Microsporidian (Protozoa, Cnidosporidia) in the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata (Maquart) 1938. Riv. Malariol. 43: 51-55.
Weiser J., Novák D. (1964) Auftreten von Mykosen bei Stechmücken. Coll. Int. Pathol. Insectes [Paxis, 1962), 149-150.
Weiser J., Vávra J. (1964) Zur Verbreitung der Coelomomyces-Pilze in europäischen Insekten. Zschr. f. Tropenmed. u. Parasitol. 15: 38-42.
Weiser J., Sláma K. (1964) Effect of the toxin of Pyemotes (Acarina-Pyemoniidae) on the insect prey, with special reference to respiration. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 57: 479-482.
Weiser J., Sláma K. (1964) Effects of the toxin of Pyemotes (Acarina, Piemotidae) on the insect pray, with special reference to respiration. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 57: 479-482.
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