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Novák V. (1968) Morfogenese živočichů a metamorfosní hormony [Morphogenesis in animals and the metamorphosis hormones]. Biol. listy 1: 14-31.
Pintera A. (1968) Aphids from the subtribe Schizolachnina in Middle Europe. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 100-111.
Řežábová B. (1968) Changes in the metabolism of nucleic acids in the ovaries of the house fly after application of chemosterilants. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 331-340.
Řežábová B., Hora J., Landa V., Černý V., Šorm F. (1968) Sterilizing effect of some 6-ketosteroids on housefly (Musca domestica L.). On Steroids CXIII, Steroids 11: 4. 475-496.
Řežábová B., Hora J., Landa V., Černý V., Šorm F. (1968) On steroids CXIII. Sterilizing effect of some 6-ketosteroids on housefly. Steroids 11: 475-496.
Řežábová B., Landa V. (1968) Effect of thalidomide on the housefly Musca domestica L. Acta ent. bohemoslov., 65: 3: 212-215.
Rohdendorf E. (1968) The fundamental scheme of oogenesis in the firebrat Lepismodes inquilinus (Thysanura, Lepismatidae) and its periodisation in connection with imaginal moulting cycles. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 65: 341-348.
Rohdendorf E., Watson J. (1968) The control of reproductive cycles in the female firebrat, Lepismodes inquilinus. J. Insect Physiol. 15: 2085-2101.
Rusek J. (1968) Die Apterygotengemeinschaft der Acerato-Fraxinatum-Waldassoziation des Mährischen Karstes. Acta Soc. Zool. bohemoslov. 32: 237-261.
Rusek J. (1968) Druhové složení larev kovaříků (Elateridae) v polních kulturách Československa [Wireworms of fields in Czechoslovakia]. Konference o škůdcich okopanin III. Ent. ústav ČSAV, Praha, pp. 43-46.
Rusek J. (1968) Collembola - Chvostoskoci. Elateridae - Kovaříkovití. In: V. Skuhravý et al.: Metody chovu hmyzu (Rearings of insects). Pp. 54-58, 237-240. Academia, Praha.
Rusek J. (1968) Documenta apterygotologica. Pp. 1-26, Ent. ústav ČSAV, Praha.
Růžička Z. (1968) Diplopoda der Steppenformation Kotis, Vorkommen, Ökologie, Phänologie und Vertikalmigration. Acta Soc. Zool. bohemoslov. 62: 71-88.
Samšiňáková A. (1968) Nález houby Dimeromyces falcatus Paoli (Laboulb.) na novém hostiteli [Finding of the fungus Dimeromyces falcatus Paoli (Laboulb.) on a new host]. Česká mykologie 22: 225-228.
Šebesta K., Horská K., Vaňková J. (1968) Mechanism of action of the insecticidal exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis var. gelechiae: inhibition of de novo RNA syntnesis. 5th Meeting of FEBS, Prague 1968, Abstracts p. 250.
Sehnal F. (1968) The influence of the corpus allatum on the development of internal organs in Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera). J. Insect Physiol. 14: 73-85.
Sehnal F., Meyer A. (1968) The larval-pupal transformation: Control by juvenile hormone. Science 159: 981-984.
Skuhravá M., Skuhravý V. (1968) Emergence of the overwintering generation of gall-midges living on alfalfa. Marcellia 35: 111-115.
Skuhravý V. (1968) Einfluss der Entblätterung und des Kartoffelfrasses auf die Kartoffelernte. Anz. Schädlingsk. 41: 180-188.
Skuhravý V. (1968) Metody chovu hmyzu [Rearings of insects]. 286 p., Academia, Praha.
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