HR Excellence in Science
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Total found: 15153 records
Skuhravý V. (1969) Zemní pasti (Barber traps). In: K. Novák et al.: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 36-40, Academia, Praha.
Skuhravý V., Hochmut R. (1969) Befallsdichte der Kiefernnadelgallmücke Thecodiplosís brachyntera Schwägr. an Pinus silvestris L. verschiedener Provenienz. Anz. Schädlingsk. 42: 165-169.
Skuhravý V., Novák K. (1969) Kvantitativní metody sběru v entomologii [Quantitative methods of insect collecting]. In: K. Novák et al.: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 49-55, Academia, Praha.
Sláma K. (1969) Plants as a source of materials with insect hormone activity. Ent. exp. appl. 12: 721-728.
Sláma K., Romaňuk M., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 2. Juvenile hormone activity of some derivatives of farnesenic acid. Biol. Bull. 136: 91-95.
Starý P. (1969) Gegenwärtige Problematik und Richtungen der Blattlausparasitenforschung (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Anz. Schädlingsk. Pflschtz. 42: 19-22.
Velglová H., Černý V., Šorm F., Sláma K. (1969) On steroids CXXVI. Several compounds with antisclerotization effect on Pyrrhocoris apterus L. larvae: structural and activity correlations. Coll. Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 34: 3354-3376.
Weiser J. (1969) A poxlike virus in the midge Camptochironomus tentans. Acta Virol. 13: 549-551.
Weiser J. (1969) An atlas of insect diseases. Academia, Praha, 292 pp.
Weiser J. (1969) Iridescent virus from the blackfly Simulium ornatum Meig. in Czechoslovakia. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 12: 36-39.
Weiser J. (1969) Immunity of Insects to Protozoa. In: N. Jackson, N. Herman, N. Singer: Immunity to Parasitic Animals, I., pp. 129-149, 1966 Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Weiser J. (1969) Biologický boj se škůdci [Biological control of pests]. In: J. Bartoš: Ochrana rostlin. Pp. 68-77, St. zeměděl. vyd., Praha.
Weiser J. (1969) A new case of Helicosporidium infection in insects. Progress in Protozoology, Leningrad, 1969, pp. 248.
Weiser J., Daniel J. (1969) Two mycotic infections in nidicolous mites. Folia Parasitol. 16: 275-278.
Weiser J., Hazard A. (1969) Spores of Thelohania in adult female Anopheles: Development and transovarial transmission and redescription of T. legeri Hesse and T. obesa Kudo. J. Protozool. 15: 817-823.
Weiser J., Hazard E. (1969) Microsporidian infections in mosquitos. Progress in Protozoology, Leningrad, 1969.
Weiser J., Žižka Z. (1969) Electrone microscope studies of Rickettsiella chironomi in the midge Camptochironomus tentans. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 12: 222-230.
Weiser J., Žižka Z. (1969) Ultrastructures of Coelomycidium simulii. III. Inter. Congress of Protozoology, Leningrad 1969.
Zelený J. (1969) Možnosti vzniku resistence hmyzu k insekticidům. [Possibilities of development of insect resistance to pesticides.] Zborník ref. XII. Dní novej techniky chem. ochr. rastlin, Bratislava 1968, pp. 11-13.
Zelený J. (1969) Variability in the species Raphidia ophiopsis Linnaeus and Agmia xanthostigma (Schummel) (Raphidioptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 66: 15-38.
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