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Total found: 15154 records
Holman J. (1969) Aphidoidea. In: K. Novák et al.: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 150-156, Academia, Praha.
Honěk A. (1969) Induction of diapause in Aelia acuminata (L.) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 66: 345-351.
Hrdý I., Boučková J., Hrdá J. (1969) Účinnost Terationu a Terra Sytamu na senzibilní a rezistentní populaci mšice chmelové (Phorodon humuli) (The effect of Teration and Terra Sytam on susceptible and resistant population of hop aphid Phorodon humuli). Ochrana rostlin 5: 231-236.
Hrdý I., Hůrková J., Zelený J. (1969) Preferencia de algunos termites de Cuba por los arboles de pino y limonero con diferentes grandos de humedad. Poeyana, A, 67: 1-39.
Hrdý I., Jasič J., Novák K., Růžička Z., Vallo V., Weismann L., Zelený J. (1969) The sugar-cane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), in Cuba. II. Natural limitation, biological control and contribution to tha methods of population density estimation. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 66: 255-265.
Hrdý I., Křeček J., Vrkoč J. (1969) Interesting response of termites to some toxicants. Proc. VI. Congr. IUSSI, Bern 1969, pp. 65-67.
Hrdý I., Zelený J., Hrdá J. (1969) K otázce stability rezistence k thiometonu u mšice chmelové (Phorodon humuli) (Resistance stability to thiometon in hop aphid - Phorodon humuli). Agrochémia 9: 203-208.
Hůrková J. (1969) Rezistence skleníkových populací Myzus persicae (Sulzer) k některým organofosforovým insekticidům (Resistance of green-house populations of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) to some organophosphorous insecticides). Agrochémia 9: 262-263.
Jarolím V., Hejno K., Sehnal F., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormones activity. 8. Juvenile activity of the farnesane-type compounds on Galleria mellonella. Life Sciences 8: 831-841.
Křeček J. (1969) Effect of relative humidity of air and of starvation on survival in live termite species from Cuba. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 66: 129-136.
Krejzová R. (1969) The heat resistance of resting spores of the genus Entomophthora. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 12: 460.
Landa V. (1969) Comparative anatomy of mayfly larvae. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 66: 289-316.
Landa V. (1969) Die faunistische Erforschung der Wasserinsekten in der ČSSR und die Verwertung ihrer Ergebnisse. Abh. Ber. Naturh. Mus. Görlitz, 44: 21-29.
Landa V. (1969) Jepice (Ephemeroptera). Fauna ČSSR. 342 pp., Academia, Praha.
Landa V. (1969) Jepice (Ephemeroptera). In: K. Novák: Metody sběru a preparace hmyzu (Methods of collecting and mounting of insects). Pp. 113-117, Academia, Praha (in Czech).
Lom J., Weiser J. (1969) Notes on two microsporidian species from Silurus glanis and on the systematic status of the genus Glugea Thélohan. Folia Parasitol. 16: 193-200.
Lysenko O. (1969) CCEB - Catalogue of Cultures. 4th edition. In: M. Kocur (editor): The Catalogue of Cultures 1969, Czechoslovak Collections of Microorganisms. Pp. 355-401, Universita Brno.
Lysenko O., Málek I. (1969) Evoluce mikroorganismů [Evolution of microorganisms]. In: V. Novák (ed.) Historický vývoj organismů (Historical development of organisms). Pp. 107-149, Academia, Praha).
Masner L. (1969) The Provancher species of Proctotrupoidea (Hymenoptera). Naturaliste can. 96: 775-784.
Masner L. (1969) A scelionid wasp surviving unchanged since Tertiary (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea). Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 71: 397-400.
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