Total found: 213 records |
Navrátil O., Kodrík D., Kludkiewicz B., Vinokurov K., Sehnal F., Horáčková V. (2012) Protease inhibitors as a possible new factor in agricultural plant protection against microbial and fungal attack. In: Romeis J., Meissle M., Álvarez-Alfageme (Eds), GMOs in Integrated Plant Production, IOBC wprs Bulletin
73: 61-67. |
Večeřa J., Krishnan N., Mithöfer A., Vogele H., Kodrík D. (2012) Adipokinetic hormone-induced antioxidant response in Spodoptera littoralis Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C
155: 389-395. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2011.10.009 |
Hněvsová V., Kodrík D., Weyda F. (2011) Contribution to the biochemical characterization of the silk and structure characterization of the cocoons of the horse chestnut leaf miner Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Eur. J. Entomol.
108: 711-715. |
Kludkiewicz B., Vinokurov K., Taranushenko Y., Kodrík D., Sehnal F. (2011) Příprava rekombinantního inhibitoru proteáz NcPIb. In: Funkční genomika a proteomika ve šlechtění rostlin. N.S. Kiran, B. Brzobohatý (Eds.), Mendelova univerzita v Brně (ISBN 978-80-7157-044-8), str. 21-24 |
Kodrík D. (2011) Stress and its hormonal control in insects In: 87th Physiological Days (Conference of Czech and Slovak Physiological Society, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 9 - 11), Eds. Jagla F. and Pecháňová O., ISBN: 978-80-969544-8-3
p. 52-53. |
Kodrík D. (2011) Role of adipokinec peptides in control of insect anti-stress reactions Biologically Active Peptides XII, Praha, April 27 - 29, W 13. |
Kodrík D. (2011) Stress and its hormonal control in insects (published abstract) Physiol. Res.
60: 31. |
Kodrík D. (2011) Role of adipokinetic peptides in control of insect anti-stress reactions In: Collection Symposium Series - Biologically Active Peptides XII., Ed. Slaninová J., Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-86241-44-9, Vol.
13: p. 67-69. |
Kodrík D., Vinokurov K., Tomčala A., Socha R. (2011) Control of insect digestion: Are adipokinetic hormones involved? In: VIIth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological, Biotechnological and Environmental Aspects (Bialka Tatrzanska, Poland, September 18-23) Abstract Book, Eds. D. Konopinska and M. Kuczer, ISBN: 978-83-60043-16-5, O-34
p. 46. |
Navrátil O., Kodrík D., Kludkiewicz B., Habuštová O., Vinokurov K., Sehnal F., Horáčková V. (2011) Inhibitor proteáz z hedvábí zavíječe voskového ovlivňuje odolnost brambor proti patogenům. In: Funkční genomika a proteomika ve šlechtění rostlin .N.S. Kiran, B. Brzobohatý (Eds.), Mendelova univerzita v Brně (ISBN 978-80-7157-044-8), str. 16-18 |
Navrátil O., Kodrík D., Kludkiewicz B., Vinokurov K., Sehnal F., Horáčková V. (2011) Protease inhibitors as a possible new factor in agricultural plant protection against microbial and fungal attack. 5th Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms IOBC-WPRS Meeting, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, June 22 – 25, P.5
p. 51. |
Štefková K., Moravcová M., Davídková M., Doležal P., Kodrík D. (2011) Feeding and energetic metabolism in the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) - active, diapausing and post-diapausing beetles Freiburger Forstliche Zeitung 89(2011)
141-145, ISSN 1436-1566.. |
Tomčala A., Kindl J., Schneedorferová I., Kodrík D., Valterová I. (2011) LC/MS and GC FID techniques employed in the analyses of lipids involved in insect metabolic and adaptation processes In: VIIth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological, Biotechnological and Environmental Aspects (Bialka Tatrzanska, Poland, September 18-23) Abstract Book, Eds. D. Konopinska and M. Kuczer, ISBN: 978-83-60043-16-5, P-5
p. 65. |
Večeřa J., Krishnan N., Fencková M., Kodrík D., Mithöfer A. (2011) Role of neuropeptides from AKH/RPCH family in oxidative stress: AKH-induced antioxidative response in insect. Sixth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2-5, P 3.21 |
Velki M., Kodrík D., Večeřa J., Hackenberger B., Socha R. (2011) Oxidative stress elicited by insecticides: a role for the adipokinetic hormone. Gen. Comp. Endorinol.
172: 77-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2010.12.009 |
Bártů I., Tomčala A., Kodrík D., Socha R. (2010) Spectrum of diacylglycerols and fatty acids mobilized by adipokinetic hormones. 25th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Pécs, Hungary, August 31 - September 4, Abstract No. O09-11, p. 81 |
Bártů I., Tomčala A., Šimek P., Kodrík D. (2010) Hormonal control of insect lipid metabolism. 86th Physiological Days - Conference of Czech and Slovak Physiological Society - Endocrinology, Prague, Czech Republic, February 9 - 11,
p. 28. |
Bártů I., Tomčala A., Socha R., Šimek P., Kodrík D. (2010) Analysis of lipids mobilized by adipokinetic hormones in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) Eur. J. Entomol.
107: 509-520. |
Kodrík D., Alquicer G., Socha R. (2010) Methoprene modifies adipokinetic hormone characteristics in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Eur. J. Entomol.
107: 33-39. |
Kodrík D., Bártů I., Socha R. (2010) Adipokinetic hormone (Pyrap-AKH) enhances the effect of a pyrethroid insecticide against the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus. Pest Manag. Sci.
66: 425-431. |