Total found: 145 records |
Blom J., Horňák K., Šimek K., Pernthaler J. (2010) Aggregate formation in a freshwater bacterial strain induced by growth state and conspecific chemical cues. Environmental Microbiology
12: 2486–2495.. |
Hahn M., Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Brandt U., Jezberová J., Šimek K. (2010) Limnohabitans curvus gen. nov. sp. nov., a planktonic bacterium isolated from freshwater lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
60: 1358–1365.. DOI: DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.013292-0 |
Hahn M., Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Brandt U., Šimek K. (2010) Limnohabitans australis sp. nov. isolated from a freshwater pond and emended description of the genus Limnohabitans. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
60: 2946–2950.. |
Horňák K., Jezbera J., Šimek K. (2010) Bacterial single-cell activities along the nutrient availability gradient in a canyon-shaped reservoir: a seasonal study. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
60: 215–225.. |
Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Šimek K., Hahn M. (2010) Limnohabitans planktonicus sp. nov. and Limnohabitans parvus sp. nov., planktonic betaproteobacteria isolated from a freshwater reservoir, and emended description of the genus Limnohabitans. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
60: 2710–2714.. |
Hejzlar J., Matěna J., Šimek K., Turek J., Znachor P., Žaloudík J., Rohlík V., Langhansová M. (2009) Fosfor jako hlavní příčina současného nepříznivého stavu eutrofizace a jakosti vody v nádrži Orlík [Phosphorus – the main cause of currently unfavourable state of eutrophication and water quality in Orlík Reservoir]. In: Sborník příspěvků Revitalizace Orlické nádrže 2008, odborný seminář, Písek, October 6, 2008. VŠTE, Č. Budějovice, ISBN 978–80–87278–03–1:pp. 84–95. |
Nedoma J., Šimek K., Hejzlar J. (2009) Přísun a transformace znečištění v podélném profilu vltavského ramene nádrže Orlík [Pollution input and transformation along the longitudinal profile of the Vltava stretch in the Orlík]. In: Sborník příspěvků Revitalizace Orlické nádrže 2009, odborná konference, Písek, October 6–7, 2009. VŠTE, Č. Budějovice, ISBN 978–80–87278–29–1:pp. 31–36. |
Tanaka T., Thingstad T., Gasol J., Cardelús C., Jezbera J., Sala M., Šimek K., Unrein F. (2009) Determining the availability of phosphate and glucose for bacteria in P-limited mesocosms of NW Mediterranean surface waters. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
56: 81–91.. |
Grossart H., Jezbera J., Horňák K., Hutalle K., Buck U., Šimek K. (2008) Top-down and bottom-up induced shifts in bacterial abundance, production and community composition in an experimentally divided humic lake. Environmental Microbiology
10: 635-652. |
Horňák K., Jezbera J., Šimek K. (2008) Effects of a Microcystis aeruginosa bloom and bacterivory on bacterial abundance and activity in a eutrophic reservoir. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
52: 107-117. |
Montagnes D., Barbosa A., Boenigk J., Davidson K., Jürgens K., Macek M., Parry J., Roberts E., Šimek K. (2008) Selective feeding behaviour of key free-living protists: avenues for continued study. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
53: 83-98. |
Šimek K., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Znachor P., Hejzlar J., Seďa J. (2008) Spatio-temporal patterns of bacterioplankton production and community composition related to phytoplankton composition and protistan bacterivory in a dam reservoir. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
51: 249-262. |
Znachor P., Zapomělová E., Řeháková K., Nedoma J., Šimek K. (2008) The effect of extreme rainfall on summer succession and vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a lacustrine part of a eutrophic reservoir. Aquatic Sciences
70: 77-86. |
Allers E., Gómez-Consarnau L., Pinhassi J., Gasol J., Šimek K., Pernthaler J. (2007) Response of Alteromonadaceae and Rhodobacteriaceae to glucose and phosphorus manipulation in marine mesocosms. Environmental Microbiology
9: 2417–2429.. |
Groben R., Hahn M., Horňák K., Mergeay J., Šimek K., Vrba J. (2007) Meeting report: ALTER-Net workshop about the “Application of molecular techniques to study biodiversity, structure and function of planktonic communities in lakes” at Blanes, Spain, February 15–16, 2007. Protist
158: 417–421.. |
Posch T., Mindl B., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Salcher M., Sattler B., Sonntag B., Vrba J., Šimek K. (2007) Biomass reallocations within freshwater bacterioplankton induced by manipulating phosphorus availability and grazing. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
49: 223–232.. |
Salcher M., Hofer J., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Sonntag B., Vrba J., Šimek K., Posch T. (2007) Modulation of microbial predator-prey dynamics by phosphorus availability: Growth patterns and survival strategies of bacterial phylogenetic clades. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
60: 40–50.. |
Šimek K., Weinbauer M., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Dolan J. (2007) Grazer and virus-induced mortality of bacterioplankton accelerates development of Flectobacillus populations in a freshwater community. Environmental Microbiology
9: 789–800.. |
Weinbauer M., Horňák K., Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Dolan J., Šimek K. (2007) Synergistic and antagonistic effects of viral lysis and protistan grazing on bacterial biomass, production and diversity. Environmental Microbiology
9: 777–788.. |
Horňák K., Jezbera J., Nedoma J., Gasol J., Šimek K. (2006) Effects of resource availability and bacterivory on leucine incorporation in different groups of freshwater bacterioplankton, assessed using microautoradiography. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
45: 277–289.. |