Total found: 66 records |
Hřibová E., Neumann P., Matsumoto T., Roux N., Macas J., Doležel J. (2010) Repetitive part of the banana (Musa acuminata) genome investigated by low-depth 454 sequencing BMC Plant Biology
10: 1-10. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-10-204 |
Macas J., Neumann P., Novák P., Jiang J. (2010) Global sequence characterization of rice centromeric satellite based on oligomer frequency analysis in large-scale sequencing data Bioinformatics
26: 2101-2108. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq343 |
Novák P., Neumann P., Macas J. (2010) Graph-based clustering and characterization of repetitive sequences in next-generation sequencing data BMC Bioinformatics
11: 378-389. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-378 |
Macas J., Koblížková A., Navrátilová A., Neumann P. (2009) Hypervariable 3' UTR region of plant LTR-retrotransposons as a source of novel satellite repeats Gene
448: 198-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2009.06.014 |
Steinbauerová V., Neumann P., Macas J. (2008) Experimental evidence for splicing of intron-containing transcripts of plant LTRL retrotransposon Ogre Molecular Genetics and Genomics
280: 427-436. DOI: 10.1007/s00438-008-0376-8 |
Macas J., Neumann P. (2007) Ogre elements - a distinct group of plant Ty3/gypsy-like retrotransposons Gene
390: 108-116. |
Macas J., Neumann P., Navrátilová A. (2007) Repetitive DNA in the pea (Pisum sativum L.) genome: comprehensive characterization using 454 sequencing and comparison to soybean and Medicago truncatula BMC Genomics
8: 427. |
Neumann P., Yan H., Jiang J. (2007) The centromeric retrotransposons of rice are transcribed and differentially processed by RNA interference Genetics
176: 749-761. |
Lee H., Neumann P., Macas J., Jiang J. (2006) Transcription and evolutionary dynamics of the centromeric satellite repeat CentO in rice Molecular Biology and Evolution
23: 2505-2520. |
Neumann P., Koblížková A., Navratilová A., Macas J. (2006) Significant expansion of Vicia pannonica genome size mediated by amplification of a single type of giant retroelement Genetics
173: 1047-1056. |
Macas J., Koblížková A., Neumann P. (2005) Characterization of Stowaway MITEs in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and identification of their potential master elements Genome
48: 831-839. |
Nagaki K., Neumann P., Zhang D., Ouyang S., Buell C., Cheng Z., Jiang J. (2005) Structure, divergence, and distribution of the CRR centromeric retrotransposon family in rice Molecular Biology and Evolution
22: 845-855. |
Navrátilová A., Neumann P., Macas J. (2005) Long-range organization of plant satellite repeats investigated using strand-specific FISH Cytogenetics and Genome Research
109: 58-62. |
Neumann P., Požárková D., Koblížková A., Macas J. (2005) PIGY, a new plant envelope-class LTR retrotransposon Molecular Genetics and Genomics
273: 43-53. |
Macas J., Neumann P., Požárková D. (2003) Zaba: a novel miniature transposable element present in genomes of legume plants Molecular Genetics and Genomics
269: 624-631. |
Navrátilová A., Neumann P., Macas J. (2003) Karyotype analysis of four Vicia species using in situ hybridization with repetitive sequences Annals of Botany
91: 921-926. |
Neumann P., Požárková D., Macas J. (2003) Highly abundant pea LTR retrotransposon Ogre is constitutively transcribed and partially spliced Plant Molecular Biology
53: 399-410. |
Neumann P., Požárková D., Vrána J., Doležel J., Macas J. (2002) Chromosome sorting and PCR-based physical mapping in pea (Pisum sativum L.) Chromosome Research
10: 63-71. |
Navrátilová A., Mészáros T., Neumann P., Nouzová M., Požárková D., Macas J. (2001) Comparative analysis of Vicia karyotypes using in situ hybridization with repetitive sequences Chromosome Research
9: 98. |
Neumann P., Nouzová A., Macas J. (2001) Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of repetitive DNA in pea (Pisum sativum L.) Genome
44: 716-728. |