HR Excellence in Science
Total found: 31 records
Gouix N., Šebek P., Valladares L., Brustel H., Brin A. (2015) Habitat requirements of the violet click beetle (Limoniscus violaceus), an endangered umbrella species of basal hollow trees Insect Conservation and Diversity 8: 418-427.
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12119
Šebek P., Bače R., Bartoš M., Beneš J., Chlumská Z., Doležal J., Dvorský M., Kovář J., Machač O., Mikátová B., Platek M., Perlík M., Poláková S., Škorpík M., Stejskal R., Svoboda M., Trnka F., Vlašín M., Zapletal M., Čížek L. (2015) Does a minimal intervention approach threaten the biodiversity of protected areas? A multi-taxa short-term response to intervention in temperate oak-dominated forests. Forest Ecology and Management 358: 80-89.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.09.008
Tropek R., Černá I., Straka J., Kadlec T., Pech P., Tichánek F., Šebek P. (2014) Restoration management of fly ash deposits crucially influence their conservation potential for terrestrial arthropods. Ecological Engineering 73: 45-52.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.09.011
Šebek P., Altman J., Plátek M., Čížek L. (2013) Is active management the key to the conservation of saproxylic biodiversity? Pollarding promotes the formation of tree hollows. PLoS ONE 8: e60456.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060456
Šebek P., Altman J., Plátek M., Čížek L. (2013) Pollarding as a management tool in the conservation of tree hollow fauna. Intecol 2013, 18-23 August 2013, London, UK
Šebek P., Bartoš M., Beneš J., Chlumská Z., Doležal J., Kovář J., Mikátová B., Platek M., Poláková S., Škorpík M., Stejskal R., Trnka F., Vlašín M., Zapletal M., Čížek L. (2013) Effect of active conservation management on biodiversity: Multi-taxa survey in oak woodlands of Podyji National Park, Czech Republic. 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10-12 June 2013, Mittersill, Austria: Conference Volume 717-720.
Šebek P., Bartoš M., Beneš J., Chlumská Z., Doležal J., Kovář J., Mikátová B., Plátek M., Poláková S., Škorpík M., Stejskal R., Trnka F., Vlašín M., Zapletal M., Čížek L. (2013) Vliv aktivního hospodaření na biodiverzitu doubrav v Národním parku Podyjí. Ekologie 2013, 18.-20. října 2013, Brno
Šebek P., Barnouin T., Brin A., Brustel H., Dufrene M., Gosselin F., Meriguet B., Micas L., Noblecourt T., Rose O., Velle L., Bouget (2012) A test for assessment of saproxylic beetle biodiversity using subsets of "monitoring species". Ecological Indicators 20: 304-315.
Šebek P., Čížek L. (2012) Restauration des habitats traditionnels forestiers: cas des coléoptères saproxyliques Le Réveil du Dodo - IVe journées francophones des sciences de la conservation, 2-4 mai 2012, Dijon, France
Šebek P., Čížek L., Hauck D., Schlaghamerský J. (2012) Saproxylic beetles in an isolated pollard willow stand and their association with Osmoderma barnabita (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). In: Jurc M. (ed.): Saproxylic beetles in Europe: monitoring, biology and conservation 67-72.
Šebek P., Čížek L., Hauck D., Schlaghamerský J. (2010) Viability of an Osmoderma barnabita population in a pollard willow stand at Vojkovice (Czech Republic) 6th European symposium and workshop on the conservation of saproxylic beetles June 15-17, 2010, Ljubljana 2010: 18-19.


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