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Total found: 249 records
Soldán T., Thomas A. (1983) Baetis numidicus n.spo., Ephéméroptére nouveau d Algérie (Baetidae). Annls. Limnol. 19: 207-211.
Spitzer K., Rejmánek M., Soldán T., Zelený J. (1983) Flight activity of some moths (Lepidoptera) monitored by sex pheromones in Vietnam: dry season. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 80: 413-418.
Thomas A., Boumaiza M., Soldán T. (1983) Baetis punicus n.spo., Ephéméroptére nouveau de Tunisie (Baetidae). Annls. Limnol. 19: 107-111.
Tonner M., Vávra V., Syrovátka O., Soldán T. (1983) Einfluss der luftbespritzung gegen den grauen lärchenwickler (Zeiraphera diniana) auf die entomofauna des rhithrons in Krkonoše (Riesengebirge). Věstník Čs. společ. zool. 47: 293-303.
Braasch D., Soldán T. (1982) Neue Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) aus Asien III. Entomol. Nachrichten 26: 25-28.
Landa V., Soldán T. (1982) Biography - 60th Birthday of Jar. Weiser. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 470-477.
Landa V., Soldán T. (1982) Změny v rozšíření jepic (Ephemeroptera) v Čechách se zřetelem k jihočeské oblasti během posledních 20-30 let. Acta Musei Bohemoslov. 22: 21-28.
Landa V., Soldán T. (1982) Ecdyonurus samalorum sp. n. from Czechoslovakia (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 31-36.
Landa V., Soldán T., Edmunds G. (1982) Comparative anatomy of larvae of the family Ephemerellidae (Ephemeroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 241-253.
Matěna J., Soldán T. (1982) Taxonomy and ecology of the subgenus Symbiocladius S. Str. (Diptera, Chironomidae). Biologia 74: 83-86.
Matolín S., Soldán T. (1982) Embryonic defects in eggs of Glossina palpalis palpalis (Diptera, Glossinidae) fertilized by sperm of gamma-irradiated males. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 435-440.
Soldán T. (1982) Klíč larev vodního hmyzu-review. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 159-160.
Soldán T. (1982) A redescript of Ephemerella maculocaudata Ikonomov with notes on Balkan species of the genus Ephemerella (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae). Acta zool. Bulg. 20: 44-50.
Soldán T. (1982) Changes in eggs of Dixippus morosus (Dictyoptera, Phasmida) caused by a microsporidian infection of the ovaries. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 79: 181-187.
Müller-Liebenau I., Soldán T. (1981) Baetis balcanicus sp. n., a new species of the genus Baetis from Bulgaria and Greece. Spixiana 4: 291-295.
Soldán T. (1981) The mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Utsjoki, northernmost Finland. Rep. Kevo Subartic Res. Stat. 17: 81-85.
Soldán T. (1981) Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 78: 270.
Soldán T. (1981) Secondary sexual characters in mayfly larvae and their evolutionary significance (Ephemeroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 78: 140-142.
Soldán T. (1981) The mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the river Latorica in eastern Slovakia. Biológia 36: 1043-1048.
Soldán T., Landa V. (1981) Advances in Ephemeroptera Biology - review. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 78: 207.
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