Remembering E.O. Wilson. 30. 12. 2021 Edward Osborne Wilson (1929–2021) a biologist, naturalist, writer, one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th century, passed away this week. On that occasion here is a personal remembrance...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year22. 12. 2021 Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences wishes you Merry Christmas and in the new year 2022 we wish you good health, happiness, success and a lot of inspiration in both professional and...
Book Applied ecology published in English by Springer16. 12. 2021 Book Applied ecology by Jan Frouz and Jaroslava Frouzova, published in Czech by Karolinum Press, Charles University, has been published in English by Springer. The book discusses specialized...
Monitoring of the post-mining lakes in the North Bohemia. New study focused on microorganisms and phosphorus. 15. 12. 2021 Crystal-clear water and dense algal mats covering the lakebed – that is how the littoral zones of newly emerged post-mining lakes in the North Bohemia look like. Water quality and development of...
The Mentoring program 202213. 12. 2021 Biology Centre is launching a new mentoring program, which will start in February 2022. This program lasts 10 months and is appropriate for active Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows working at...
How plants refrain the ''sunstroke'' of photosynthetic apparatus9. 12. 2021 For plants, the only source of energy for all life functions is the light of our Sun. Transformation of light into a form usable by plants is ensured by the so-called light-harvesting complexes...
Predatory periodical stole scientific paper from European Journal of Entomology12. 11. 2021 A complaint about plagiarism was delivered to the editors of the European Journal of Entomology (EJE), which is published by the Institute of Entomology of the Biology Centre, Czech Academy of...
Vojtěch Novotný received the Academic Award5. 11. 2021 Biologist Vojtěch Novotný received the prestigious Praemium Academiae 2021 award. The Czech Academy of Sciences supports this important scientific award with a generous grant of up to 30 million...
Elisabeth Hehenberger awarded Lumina Quaeruntur Award5. 11. 2021 Elisabeth Hehenberger, a biologist focusing on bioinformatics, is coming to the Institute of Parasitology of the Biology Centre CAS. Thanks to the prestigious Lumina Quaeruntur award, which...
Success in FameLab competition: Miguel Gonzalez Ximenez de Embun won the second prize18. 10. 2021 Our colleague Miguel Gonzalez Ximenez de Embun from the Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre CAS, won the runner-up price on the science communication competition: FameLab Final of the Czech...