Third workshop of the Lake Fish Telemetry Group: an international and multidisciplinary collaboration pushing forward the field of fish ecology and behaviour12. 5. 2022 Lake Fish Telemetry Group (LFTG), an initiative that brings together research groups involved in lake fish telemetry in Europe is now in its fifth year. The initiative was established in 2018...
ETN COST Action Training School on Calculating Positions in Acoustic Telemetry12. 5. 2022 European Aquatic Animal Tracking Network COST Action (ETN, CA18102) organizes a training school on the topic of how to calculate positions of aquatic animals tracked by acoustic telemetry. The main...
Hydropeaking affects fish reproduction in rivers12. 4. 2022 The so-called hydropeaking, i.e. discontinuous flow changes in rivers, significantly disrupts fish reproduction. In the current study, scientists from the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Biology...
A Ukrainian scientist comes to the Biology Centre, specializing in tick-borne diseases14. 3. 2022 Parasitologist Viktoriya Levytska comes from war-torn Ukraine to the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Her specialization - tick-borne diseases - corresponds perfectly to the...
Gender Equality Plan strengthens diversity and tolerance in the BC8. 3. 2022 In February, the Biology Centre CAS approved the Gender Equality Plan (GEP). This document defines basic areas, goals and events to strengthen diversity and tolerance in the institution, regardless...
Best research article in Science: discovery with the participation of Czech scientists21. 2. 2022 The international team, which also includes Czech researchers from České Budějovice and Třeboň, received the Newcomb Cleveland Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science...
Big-data world brings revolution to movement ecology18. 2. 2022 Have you ever been interested in what fish do at night, where they hide in winter, or where that bird that frequently visits your bird feeder flies? The current revolution in animal movement...
Forgotten species go extinct twice15. 2. 2022 We live in an age of mass extinction, with biological extinctions predominantly caused by various human actions. However, in tandem with this process, and sometimes in advance of it, the loss of...
Job: Director of the Biology Centre CAS 9. 2. 2022 Board of the Biology Centre CAS (BC) announces a selection procedure for the position of the Director of the BC.
Trees call for help from birds and predatory insects8. 2. 2022 Forest trees emit scents when attacked by caterpillars and other herbivores. They use these to attract predatory insects and even birds, thus getting rid of their pests. This had only been...