Hard life of rheophilic fish25. 1. 2023 Most lotic ecosystems have been heavily modified in recent centuries to serve human needs, for example, by building dams to form reservoirs. However, reservoirs have major impacts on freshwater...
Bees use wax cappings in two different ways9. 1. 2023 Alena Bruce Krejčí's team from the Biology Centre CAS and the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia focused on the permeability of wax cappings. In cooperation with the plant...
The article by the scientists of the Institute of Entomology was featured in the December issue of BioOne Vista22. 12. 2022 Among the 24 articles in the summary of the most interesting scientific publications of the December issue of BioOne Vista is the work of the author team from the Institute of Entomology of the...
New research prompts urgent call from scientists to protect Madagascar’s unique biodiversity, before it’s too late2. 12. 2022 In two new papers published today in Science, researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and partners from over 50 global organisations, Biology Centre CAS included, have undertaken a major...
New Horizon Europe project launched to enhance the resilience of EU aquaculture by improving aquatic animal health and welfare. 30. 11. 2022 Researchers from 16 countries are uniting to transform aquatic animal health and welfare within the European aquaculture industry, while also supporting the environmentally friendly, inclusive,...
Sequencing project to unleash the biotechnology potential of euglenoids22. 11. 2022 An ambitious plan to sequence the genomes of all known species of euglenoids over the next decade has been launched today. The network of scientists behind the initiative believe it has the...
Scientists described a new mayfly species from the Eocene Baltic amber 21. 10. 2022 Mayflies are one of the oldest pterygote insects, with relatively rare remnants in sedimentary rocks and fossil resins. The team of scientists from the Czech Republic, Spain, Poland and Germany...
Hydrobiologists released new methodology of monitoring fish communities in reservoirs and lakes20. 10. 2022 In October, researchers of the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS published a new methodology concerning fish populations in lakes and reservoirs. The book is available online.
How many ants live in the world? And are all the ants as heavy as the humankind?14. 10. 2022 A recent study in the prestigious American journal PNAS by Schultheiss and colleagues has refined estimates of how many ants live in the world and how much they weigh. It estimated that they are...
New mountains, new insects - speciation of mayflies in the Caucasus Mountains follows mountain uplift23. 9. 2022 The loss of biodiversity and species extinction are well-known phenomena of today. However, biodiversity is not only disappearing today but also emerging. This process was demonstrated by...