Flagship individuals can boost conservation12. 10. 2023 Much-loved species like pandas and polar bears are widely used in conservation campaigns. However, a new study published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment argues that single animal or...
Karel Tajovský, honorary member of International Society for Myriapodology21. 9. 2023 During the 19th International Congress of Myriapodology in Bogota, Colombia, in August 2023, the General Assembly of the International Society for Myriapodology (traditionally also referred to as...
What happens when the birds in the forests disappear? Scientists confirm serious consequences for forest functioning11. 9. 2023 In a groundbreaking study led by Katerina Sam from Biology Centre of Czech Academy of Sciences and University of South Bohemia, the team of researchers delved into the intricate dynamics of flying...
Scientists have discovered a new strawberry virus. For its timely detection, they have developed a quick diagnostic kit5. 9. 2023 Scientists at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC CAS) have discovered a new plant virus that severely impacts the yield of certain strawberry cultivars. To combat this emerging...
How many fish are in the lake? Extensive study by hydrobiologists provides answers for European waters10. 8. 2023 For fifteen years, hydrobiologists from the Biology Centre of the CAS monitored fourteen reservoirs to refine models for calculating fish abundance in reservoirs and lakes. The results of this...
A new book Philometrid nematodes parasitic in fishes published3. 8. 2023 A new publication by František Moravec from the Institute of Parasitology of the BC CAS has just been published by Academia. The book is about the species of philometrid nematodes (Philometridae)...
Michael Wrzaczek: It will always be a learning curve, regardless the place - interview for Vědavýzkum.cz18. 7. 2023 After 16 years in Finland and 3 years at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Michael Wrzaczek answers questions about what it is like to be a foreigner at a Czech research...
Even bacteria in reservoirs have four seasons18. 7. 2023 Planktonic microbial communities have critical impacts on the pelagic food web and water quality status in freshwater ecosystems, yet no general model of bacterial community assembly linked to...
Evolution of chemical diversity in plants28. 6. 2023 Plants produce an astonishing diversity of various chemicals. So far, more than 200,000 different plant metabolites have been described. Individual specialized metabolites help plants cope with...