Postdoctoral research fellow position10. 12. 2014 Biology centre of the Academy of Sciences invites applications for Postdoctoral research fellow position hosted by Laboratory of structure and function diversity of soil microbial communities...
Professor Eric de Clercq is visiting Biology Centre24. 11. 2014 University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences are inviting you cordially to attend a Christmas lecture given by the most esteemed guest...
RNPnet 2014 Symposium29. 8. 2014 The RNPnet student symposium 2014 takes place at the Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences in České Budějovice, starting on Thursday September 4th, 2014. The aim si to host exceptional...
Plants as cleaners of environment11. 8. 2014 Can plants be used for detoxifying of soil contaminated by heavy metals? How do plants process metals actually? Not only the answers to these questions will be searched by new Department of Plant...
Postdoctoral research fellow position 30. 6. 2014 Biology centre of the Academy of Sciences invites applications for Postdoctoral research fellow position hosted by Laboratory of Theoretical Ecology. Workplace: Laboratory of Theoretical...
Biology centre co-organizes workshop in France29. 5. 2014 Vladislav Drastik (Biology Centre of ASČR Institute of Hydrobiology) is a member of the Steering Committee of the international worshop taking place on June 4. - 5....
Towards scientific excellence - dr. Dettenhofer lecture3. 12. 2013 How to joint basic and applied research to achieve scientific excellence? You can learn it on Monday 9th December (1:30 - 2:30 p.m.) at Faculty of Sciences (new building), auditorium C2, on...
New postdoc positions6. 11. 2013 New postdoc positions at Biology Centre are offered in the Carreer section.
Ecology of Fish in Lakes and Reservoirs2. 9. 2013 Ecology of Fish in Lakes and Reservoirs, 8‐11 September 2014, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.
Fascination of Plants Day 20132. 9. 2013 On the occassion of Fascination of Plants Day 2013, popular science lectures are to be held for high-school students.