Conservation research is not happening where it is most needed29. 4. 2016 Biodiversity and the threats to its persistence are not uniformly distributed across the globe and therefore some areas demand comparatively greater scientific attention. If research is biased away...
Peter Znachor was appointed as associate professor4. 4. 2016 Peter Znachor was appointed as associate professor Doc. RNDr. Petr Znachor, Ph.D., who is employed at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS was appointed as associate professor...
ClimeFish1. 4. 2016 Today we start investigating the impact of climate change on European fisheries and aquaculture.
eLife: What is hemoglobin good for in tick diet?24. 3. 2016 Perner, Šíma, Konvičková, Sojka, Hajdušek, Kopáček
PhD in Protist Functional Genomics23. 3. 2016 starting in summer/autumn 2016 (and possibly also in winter 2016/2017)
Honorary Gregor Johann Mendel Medal5. 1. 2016 Professor Karel Šimek received Honorary Gregor Johann Mendel Medal for Merits in the biological sciences. The medal was awarded to him by the President of the Academy of Sciences prof. Jiri...
Dr. Petrzik as a new professor11. 12. 2015 Dr. Petrzik (Plant virology department) has been established as a new professor.
Karolina Bodláková was awarded a silver medal in the worldwide competition of secondary school students in Chinese Beijing2. 12. 2015 A student of the Gymnasium Česká 64 in České Budějovice, Karolina Bodláková, who has worked in the laboratory of Dalibor Kodrík, Institute of Entomology BC CAS, was awarded a silver medal in the...
5th conference of the Czech Society for Ecology 21. 10. 2015 The 5 th conference of the Czech Society for Ecology, organized jointly by the society, Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia and Biology Centre CAS will be held in České...
The Wanang Conservation Area received prestigious UNDP Equator Prize for conservation30. 9. 2015 The Wanang Conservation Area and the New Guinea Binatang Research Center are long-term research partners of our ecological research team based at the Biological Centre of the Czech Academy of...