Lab of Michael Wrzaczek will shed light on the communication of plant cells9. 3. 2021 How do plant cells communicate, sense information from the environment and coordinate between different parts of the plant? How is this communication orchestrated? These are some of questions which...
International evaluation started at the Biology Centre8. 3. 2021 The Czech Academy of Sciences is currently going through the process of Evaluation of the research and professional activities for the period 2015–2019. As today, on Monday, March 8, the second...
Neanderthal and early modern human stone tool culture co-existed for over 100,000 years4. 3. 2021 Research from the University of Kent's School of Anthropology and Conservation has discovered that one of the earliest stone tool cultures, known as the Acheulean, likely persisted for tens of...
Editors´ Choice of Science recommended paper in Nature Microbiology by Tanja Shabarova23. 2. 2021 The unique survey made by authors from the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS, and published in Nature Microbiology in January 2021, which characterized the response of an entire pond...
A new book: Measuring Emission of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases 12. 2. 2021 A new Open Access book "Measuring Emission of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and Developing Mitigation Options using Nuclear and Related Techniques" was published by Springer in the beginning of...
Microbial drama in four acts: How small waterbodies defy the storms and help the landscapes to overcome consequences8. 2. 2021 An international research team led by the Institute of Hydrobiology recorded and characterized the response of an entire pond plankton community to heavy rain events. This unique and very detailed...
Second generation antibody protects from SARS-CoV-2, its variant and prevents it from mutating to resist therapy26. 1. 2021 Czech researchers tested a second-generation "double antibody" that protects from SARS-CoV-2 and all its tested variants very effectively. It also prevents the virus from mutating to resist the...
Healthier beer? For the first time, scientists have modified hop with modern CRISPR technology14. 1. 2021 More medical substances and bitter acids in hop – that is the aim, the scientists from the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC CAS) would like to achieve. They reported the first...
Traditional New Year's lecture of Professor Erik DeClercq5. 1. 2021 Biology Centre CAS and University of South Bohemiaare inviting you cordially to attend a lecture given by Professor Erik De Clercq, D.M., Ph.D. Rega Institute, Catholic University, Leuven,...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year22. 12. 2020 Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences wishes you Merry Christmas and in the new year 2021 we wish you good health, happiness, success and a lot of inspiration in both professional and...