Gender Equality Plan strengthens diversity and tolerance in the BC
In February, the Biology Centre CAS approved the Gender Equality Plan (GEP). This document defines basic areas, goals and events to strengthen diversity and tolerance in the institution, regardless of age, cultural or national affiliation, sexual orientation, religion, health disadvantage, multilingualism, etc. The GEP was approved for the next three years.
The issue of an inclusive society is being addressed by politicians both at the European level and in the Czech Republic. Gender equality in research and innovation is a priority of the European Research Area (ERA). Back in 2012, the European Commission set three objectives for cooperation between EU countries and support for institutional change: gender equality in scientific careers, gender balance in decision-making, and integration of the gender dimension into the content of research and innovation. GEP is becoming an eligibility criterion for all research organisations in the EU and associated countries wishing to participate in Horizon Europe program.
Equality between women and men is one of the fundamental values of the Czech Republic, too, as expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. The topic is being dealt with by the Government Strategy for Gender Equality in the Czech Republic for 2021-2030 and including a total of eight areas of social life: work and care, decision-making, security, health, knowledge, society, external relations and institutions.
The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC) is one of the largest ecologically oriented research institutions in Europe. Equality and fairness are among their top priorities. The BC has long adhered to the principles of equality in relation to the Labour Code of the Czech Republic, the Code of Ethics of the CAS and the Code of Ethics of the BC. These are the principles of diversity, inclusion and equality. Gender equality indicators and the availability of disaggregated data play an important role in gender mainstreaming. Women and men have equal rights and self-determination in all aspects and phases of working life in the BC. The BC promotes mutual respect and appreciation and the free exchange of views, ideas and experiences. In the normal course of the institution, the BC treats all employees equally, taking into account all diversity (social, national, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious, economic, educational, health and age). The BC creates an equal working environment for all staff, from administrative, technical and early career researchers to experienced senior staff. The BC also supports the work-life balance of its employees.