Date: 21.04.2015
European Standard miss large fish!
European gillnet standard EN14757:2005 was one of the key milestones of European freshwater science. Thousands of lakes are surveyed by unified methodology every year in EU and beyond. Unfortunatelly the standard wasdone thewayitmiss thelargest fish which control the system and attract public (figures). BC scientists sugested extending net series to obtain full sizespectrum of communities.
Šmejkal, M., Ricard, D., Prchalová, M., Říha, M., Muška, M.,Blabolil, P., Čech, M., Vašek, M., Jůza, T., Monteoliva Herreras, A., Encina,L., Peterka, J., Kubečka, J., 2015 Biomass and Abundance Biases in EuropeanStandard Gillnet Sampling. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0122437.