Postdoctoral research fellow position
Biology centre of the Academy of Sciences invites applications for Postdoctoral research fellow position hosted by Laboratory of structure and function diversity of soil microbial communities (tutor Dana Elhottová).
The Laboratory of structure and function diversity of soil microbial communities (LSFM) is a research unit focused on different qualitative aspects of microbiome in natural and anthropogenically affected soil
ecosystems. It is a part of the Institute of Soil Biology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) located in the city Ceske Budejovice, some 150 km south to Prague. The LSFM is equipped to perform analyses on different level of the soil microbiome (PLFA/PLEL, MIS Sherlock System, DGGE, CARD FISH, PCR, qPCR, next generation sequencing) including equipment for field sampling, isolation, cultivation and conservation of microbial culture.
For more details see:
Position summary:
The fellow will pursue research in the following research field:
(i) Characterization of mobile elements (mobilome) that is involved in antibiotic resistance (ATB‐r)
dissemination in soil environment
(ii) Methods and approaches suitable for processing data already available at the workplace
(genomics ‐ sequencing ATB‐r plasmids, sequencing ATB‐producers, metagenomics /
metatranscriptomics of soil microbial community affected by anthropogenic activity
The work will include 3‐months stay in Czech Republic at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in team of Dr. Jiří Bárta.
The task of fellow will to deepen her/his knowledge and skills regarding the bioinformatics processing of genomic, metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data. Transmit the acquired knowledge to other employees and students at domestic workplace (e.g. through customized workflow that would be easily applicable to our data). The Fellow will be expected to write and publish research findings in competitive peer‐reviewed scientific journals.
Duration of contract:
Selected candidate will be offered a position for up to 5 months starting from February 1st, 2015. The salary is about 1650 EUR brutto per month and this amount corresponds to a good living standard in the Czech Republic.
Interested candidates must have successfully obtained their Ph.D. degree in a relevant discipline after March 29th, 2008. A good knowledge of English language (corresponding to CAE or equivalent) is required. Some knowledge of the Czech language will prove useful.
How to apply:
Interested candidates should apply no later than January 12th, 2015 by submitting the following documents and information to Dr. D. Elhottová (, C/c to B. Švehla ( (1) Cover letter explaining the candidate’s research interests; (2) Detailed CV including a list of publications and other achievements; (3) Certified academic transcripts and diplomas (scanned copies); (4) List of minimally two referees who can testify on the candidate´s character and performance; (5) Declaration of the candidate’s proficiency in English.
Announcement of results:
The Evaluation Committee will convene in January 2015 and candidates will be immediately informed of the results.