Collecting plastic bottles to build floating islands
Researchers from the Institute of Hydrobiology BC CAS are building floating islands made of plastic bottles. These islands are used as experimental floating wetlands that will reduce nutrient load and increase biodiversity in reservoirs.
The pilot experiment with floating wetlands took place in June this year at the Southbohemian reservoir of Lipno. Approximately 50 square meters of floating islands were installed near by the shore, they were covered with a natural substrate taken away from the shore (sand with peat) and then planted with wetland and water plants. As plants rooted and quickly germinated, the new ecosystem was colonized by other species of aquatic organisms, including microorganisms, benthos, fish and birds.
The research project "Floating green islands, promising alternative for improving the environmental potential and supporting the development of littoral communities on water reservoirs" is funded by the Technology agency of the Czech Republic. The project is designed for 5 years.
We are currently collecting PET bottles and plastic containers to make other islands, that will, in total, create an area of 400 m2 . If you want to help, you can bring empty PET bottles washed, undamaged (do not compress the bottles) and closed by lid and deposit them in containers placed at the receptions of Biology Centre, both in Branisovska and Na Sadkach area.