Biology Centre successful in Horizon 2020
The Biology Centre (BC) is doing well in obtaining funds covered by Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. BC runs 7 research projects, including two prestigious ERC grants. A new performance score on Horizon 2020 was released by European Commission in July, 2017.
In total, 617 applicants from the Czech Republic were supported by almost € 160 million by the Horizon 2020. The most successful czech institution in the number of projects supported by European funds is CTU in Prague, which has received 38 projects. The largest financial support in absolute terms was obtained by Masaryk University (in the amount of EUR 12.99 million) under the 32 supported projects. Charles University ranked third, with a total of 29 grants.
The Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences cover 80 projects by more than € 33 million of European funds. This represents approximately one fifth of the total financial volume for the Czech Republic.The most successful is the Institute of Physics CAS with 13 supported projects. The Biology Centre with 7 projects is divided into second to fourth place in performance with the Institute of Physical Chemistry of J. Heyerovsky CAS and the Institute of Global Change Research CAS.
The Biology Centre is at the forefront of the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences by hosting 2 ERC, the most prestigious european grants. Vojtěch Novotný received ERC Advanced grant for studying relations in forest ecosystems, and David Doležel has been awarded the ERC grant for research on insect biorhythms.
An overview of all BC grants in the H2020 program is available here.