Practical EMBO course
The Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of the Biology Centre CAS organizes the EMBO practical course "Advanced methods of electron microscopy in cell biology" which take place from June 14 to June 24, 2016 in České Budějovice.
This EMBO Practical Course offers the opportunity to acquire a set of cutting edge EM methods; allowing the participants to integrate EM tools into the workflow of their own cell biological research projects. The course focuses on teaching the theoretical background and the latest practical developments in the field. They include (i) state of the art fixation including cryomethods, (ii) correlative light and electron microscopy, (iii) molecular mapping (immunoEM), (iv) threedimensional EM imaging using tomography and serial imaging, and (v) advanced quantitative image analysis (stereology, nanomorphomics).
Please see programme (new building of the Faculty of Science), you can visit these lectures.