HR Excellence in Science

Perspectives of Czech Science: Coming to the Czech Republic to do excellent research

Perspectives of Czech Science: Coming to the Czech Republic to do excellent research
Place: Science Campus České Budějovice
Date: 07.12.2018 09:00 - 20:00

December 7th, 2018. Science Campus České Budějovice

The Science Campus in České Budějovice will host a round table discussion entitled “Perspectives of Czech Science: Coming to the Czech Republic to do excellent research” on December 7th, 2018. The event will be focused on possibilities of establishing independent research groups in the Czech Republic for researchers coming from abroad.

The main organizers of the conference are the Biology Centre CAS and the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The patronage of the conference was taken over by prof. RNDr. Eva Zažímalová, CSc., Chairwoman of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc, MBA., Chairman of the Czech Conference of Rectors.

Registration form to event:
Perspectives of Czech Science: Coming to the Czech Republic to do excellent research




Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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