Guide for Expats
Welcome at our online integration Guide for Expats website. Choose one of the following sections depending on your current situation.
- Going to Work at BC (Welcome Service)
- Working at BC & Living in CR
- Leaving BC
- Important Contacts
Handy guides and brochures for foreigners in the Czech Republic:
Simplified version of our online guide is available as a paper guidebook as well. Visit section Candidates to download it.
Guide for expats was created and has been updated by the TAS HR department and the International Cooperation Office (
Do you have any useful tip, recommendation or experience, which you'd like to share to help others? Or any comment on information provided in the online guide? Let us know.
Funded by the project MŠMT OP VVV: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014649 ABERA