RNDr. Marek Šmejkal, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology (FZE)
Institute of Hydrobiology
+420 387 77 5856, +420 778 485 295
My main interest at the moment is the invasive ecology of fish, focusing on competition in small lowland ponds and human-made secondary water bodies. Here, I focus on a model example of competition between the native and critically endangered crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and the invasive gibel carp (C. gibelio). To save the disappearing crucian carp, a citizen science website www.zachrankarase.cz/en/ has been created, which serves the public for uploading tips on its last known occurrences. Based on the verification of this data, the repatriation of this species is proceeding again in selected areas of the Czech Republic. Date of birth: 9.3.1988, Prague, Czech Republic Education: 2007-2010 BSc. Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, CR(Thesis: The importance of various types of habitats in reservoirs for fish). 2010-2013 MSc. Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia, CR (Thesis: The importance of various types of littoral habitats for fish in reservoirs). 2013-2017 PhD. student, Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia, CR (Thesis:Ecology of top fish predators, European catfish and asp, with consequences to fish communities) 2013, 2015, 2021 – research visit in Lund University, Sweden (Department of aquatic ecology) Scientific and proffesional experience: 2009 - 2017 part-time job as a student at the Institute of Hydrobiology 2017 - 2019 - postdoc at the Institute of Hydrobiology since 2020 researcher position at the Institute of Hydrobiology Web of Science ResearcherID: E-1269-2017, Total publications: 68, H-index: 16, Sum of times cited: 710 Projects - main investigator SFŽP - Engaging youth in the conservation of critically endangered fish species as part of landscape water retention measures (2024-2025) Strategie AV 21, Water and life, Save the crucian carp (2023, Czech Academy of Science) TJ02000012 The enhancement of rheophilous fish reproduction in the artificial river environment, TACR QK1920326 Aquaculture of rheophilous fish, GA MZe (main investigator for Biology centre) 580300/992200 Strategie AV 21, Role of pheromones on spawning migration timing in fish (2017-2019, Czech Academy of Science)