HR Excellence in Science

Ing. Pavla Kružberská


Position Research Assistant - Laboratory of Analytical Biochemistry and Metabolomics
Department of Biochemistry and Physiology
Institute of Entomology

Contact details 420387775284

Total found: 6 records
Heneberg P., Jegorov A., Kružberská P., Šimek P., Vodrážka P. (2018) Beauverolide F >98%. FUNKČNÍ VZOREK
Šimek P., Zahradníčková H., Cimlová J., Hořicová P., Berková P., Košťál V., Šimáčková K., Fesl J., Hušek P. (2013) Non-chiral and chiral profiling strategies for simultaneous GC-MS & LC-MS analysis of endogenous primary & secondary metabolites. Book of Abstracts from 8th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis: Modern Trends and Application, September 15-19, 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece 67.
Cimlová J., Hořicová P., Švagera Z., Hušek P., Šimek P. (2012) In situ derivatization-liquid liquid extraction as a sample preparation strategy for the determination of urinary biomarker prolyl-4-hydroxyproline by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry J. Mass. Spectrom. 47: 294-302.
DOI: 10.1002/jms.2952
Cimlová J., Šimek P., Hořicová P. (2011) Sequential labeling of fatty acids with heptafluorobutyl chloroformate and methyl amine and their subsequent GC/MS and LC/MS analysis. In: Abstracts from The 7th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications, September 18-22, 2011, Chania Crete, Greece, p. 130 + poster.
Zahradníčková H., Cimlová J., Hořicová P., Fesl J., Berková P., Kosťál V., Šimek P. (2010) Small molecule metabolite profiles and their dynamics in Drosophila subjected to cold stress 7th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days AACD 2010, P-3-41, abstrakt s. 239, 28.9.-3.10.Lesvos 2010, Řecko 2010, 239
Cimlová J., Hořicová P., Hušek P., Šimek P. (2009) Immediate in Situ Derivatization of Urinary Prolyl-4-hydroxyproline Dipeptide with Alkyl Chloroformates for Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry EuroAnalysis, Innsbruck 2009, September 6-10, Austria. Poster no. P019-B2.


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