HR Excellence in Science

Dr. Marco Antonio Jiménez Santos

Position Research Assistant - Limnoterrestrial Ecology
Zoology Section
Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry

Contact details +420 38 777 5772

Total found: 5 records
Espinosa-Rodríguez C.A., Jiménez Santos M., Martínez-Miranda D.M., Piedra-Ibarra E., Rivera-De la Parra L., Lugo-Vázquez A. (2024) Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Anomopoda) in central Mexico wetlands: implications of escape from ecotoxicological laboratories Biological Invasions 26: 1–7.
DOI: 10.1007/s10530-023-03164-7
Janko K., Shain D.H., Fontaneto D., Kaštánková Doležálková M., Buda J., Štefková Kašparová E., Šabacká M., Rosvold J., Stefaniak J., Hessen D.O., Devetter M., Jiménez Santos M., Horna P., Janková Drdová E., Yde J.C., Zawierucha K. (2024) Islands of ice: Glacier-dwelling metazoans form regionally distinct populations despite extensive periods of deglaciation Diversity and Distributions 30: Article number e13859.
DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13859
Walczyńska A., Fontaneto D., Kordbacheh A., Hamil S., Jiménez Santos M., Paraskevopoulou S., Pociecha A., Zhang W. (2024) Niche differentiation in rotifer cryptic species complexes: a review of environmental effects Hydrobiologia 851: 2909–2926.
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-023-05291-7
Jiménez Santos M., Figueroa-Sánchez M.A. (2023) Animales microscópicos, Rotíferos y su uso como máquinas limpiadoras del agua (Microscopic animals, rotifers and their use as water-cleaning machines) Revista de divulgación científica iBIO 5 (2): Article number M129.
Jiménez Santos M., Figueroa-Sánchez M.A. (2022) Código de barras de ADN: ¿El futuro pokédex del zooplancton? (DNA barcoding: The future pokédex of zooplankton?) Revista de divulgación científica iBIO 4 (3): 37-39.


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